Chapter Two

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Its early in the morning. A sleepy Jun enters the kitchen while scratching his head and giving a long yawn. He takes out a bottle of water and drinks it. Also in the kitchen was a woman, around in her early twenties. She was busy cooking breakfast just next to Jun. She had long blonde hair and was wearing an apron over her clothes. After drinking for several seconds, Jun finally realize her.

Jun: It's Sunday. Why are you making breakfast so early?
Blonde Haired Girl: Our class in the University is having an activity.
Jun:'s Sunday.
Blonde Haired Girl: It couldn't be helped
Jun: Sigh. Whatever.
Blonde Haired Girl: I'll be done in a moment so take a seat.(smiles)

Jun goes to a nearby table and takes a seat. The remote control for a nearby television was on the table. He takes it and turns the TV on. The channel was broadcasting a news program.

TV Host: " On other news, the people who were involved at the convenience store incident last week are now fully healed and will be discharged from the hospital. Police still can't figure out what caused the explosion but are relieved that no one was killed.... "

The news on catch the attention of Jun's companion as she takes the freshly cooked meal to the table. She gives one plate to Jun and one for herself.

Blonde Haired Girl: Looks like everyone made it out alright.(looks at tv)
Jun: Well, that's all that matters.

Jun was about to eat when the girl suddenly comes close and then painfully squeeze his right cheek. She looks at him with an irritated expression.

Blonde Haired Girl: You're taking this too lightly! What if something had happened to you?!
Jun: H-Hey! Let go! That hurts! And I already apologized, like, a hundred times already!
Blonde Haired Girl: I told you not to go and do something rash! And yet you pulled a stunt like that! You could have died!
Jun: I get it! I get it already! Just let go!

Suddenly, Zerra appears beside the two. She then bows her head at the girl without even giving her the chance to talk first. She lets go of Jun's cheek and gives her attention to Zerra.

Zerra: I am truly sorry. I should have been more useful to Jun. I feel useless as Jun's Servant. Please don't blame everything on him.

Jun was speechless for a moment. It was like its the first time he had seen Zerra acted that way. The girl goes to Zerra and place a hand on her shoulder.

Blonde Haired Girl: Zerra, you don't need to bow like that. So, please stop.
Zerra: Erica....(looks at girl)

Zerra stops bowing and looks up. The girl was all smiles and didn't show any signs of being upset.

Erica: Sorry about that. I tend to lost it whenever Jun's safely is concerned. You did your best and that's what matters. And in any case, he wouldn't have pushed himself to exhaustion if the situation was different. So don't worry about it.
Zerra: O-Okay....
Jun: Jeez sis. Don't scare Zerra like that. You know that she tries her best not to upset you.
Erica: Well if YOU weren't so reckless then we could have avoided this.(looks at Jun)
Jun: Are you saying that I should have left all those people to die?!

Erica couldn't come up with reply and was kinda pissed. Despite this, she doesn't let her anger get the better of her. She calms down a bit before giving Jun an answer.

Erica: I can't helped it, alright? I mean, it's a big sister's job to worry.
Jun: Sigh. You'll get wrinkles if you worry yourself to death.
Erica: Just...Just promise me that you'll come home safe at the end of the day.
Jun: That's...that's kinda of a tall order sis.
Erica: Jeez! Just say you promise!

Erica annoyingly pouts at her brother, much to his annoyance.

Jun: Alright. Fine, fine. I promise. Now will you stop acting like that? You're suppose to be a college student for god sake.
Erica: You promise! No taking it back! (giggles)
Jun: Sigh. Honestly....(scratch head)

Fate / Sacred FireOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora