Chapter Thirty

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Kuro allowed Jun and Zerra to infiltrate the abandoned amusement park and volunteered to fight Valerie's second Servant, Dianna. Both Servants   momentarily displayed a bit of their power for intimidation but was unaffected for they were more than determined to slay each other. As Kuro goes into a fighting stance with his scythe, Dianna simply stands there doing nothing.

Kuro: Do you intend to fight with your bare hands?
Dianna: Who knows? I might just do that.
Kuro: I see that even in the presence of Death, you don't waver.
Dianna: I wouldn't be much of a Servant if I feared my own death. I have already failed in preventing those two from entering, I won't make the same mistake twice.
Kuro: Before we start, do you mind telling me your name?

Dianna doesn't answers right away. Just when Kuro was about to say something, the masked Servant finally respond.

Dianna: It's Dianna.
Kuro: Dianna, huh?
Dianna: Now that introductions are over, I shall now proceed and cut you down.
Kuro: You just go ahead....and try!

Without warning, Kuro launch himself towards Dianna with great speed. When he was close enough, he strikes with his scythe but at the last minute, the masked Servant casually blocks it with one hand, which caught Kuro off guard for a moment.

Kuro: W-What...? (murmurs)
Dianna: Too slow.

While still gripping the scythe, Dianna delivers a quick and lightning fast jab to Kuro's chest. He quickly pulls his weapon away from her hands and distance himself from her. Seconds later, he holds the area on his chest where he was hit before coughing out blood.

Kuro: Y-You're really fast, girl. I had no idea you could keep up with my speed.
Dianna: "Keep up"? I have surpassed it. Don't think we're at the same level.
Kuro: My, my, my. That sharp tongue of yours really is starting to get on my nerve.
Dianna: Only the strong can confidently talk this way. Unlike you.
Kuro: Tch.

Kuro calmly walks from left to right while still holding his chest.

Kuro: I've underestimated her. That one attack broke my ribs as well as punctured my heart. If it wasn't for my fast regenerating ability, I would have died already. (thinks to self)

While Kuro was deep in his thoughts, Dianna stomps the ground with such strength that it cause a short earthquake that traveled throughout a large area around the them. The shaking was more than enough to make Kuro lose his balance a little. Dianna sees this opportunity and strikes.

Dianna: You're mine. (eyes glow)

In a blink of an eye, Dianna manage to close the gap between then and was already in front of Kuro, about to deliver another punch. But to her surprise, he had an expression like he was ready for her.

Kuro: Not this time!

A second scythe materialize in Kuro's other hand and uses it to successfully block her attack. He then slashes her with his first scythe, cutting a long and bloody wound across her body. Despite the injury, she counters with a kick but Kuro blocks it once more, however, the force of the kick pushes his several feet away. Now a safe distance away, he checks on Dianna and was surprise to see that she wasn't reacting to the wound at all. It was like she isn't injured in the first place and continues to stand there.

Kuro: This girl has one to many tricks up her sleeve. A wound like that and she's not even flinching. (thinks to self)

Dianna looks at her wound but doesn't pay too much attention. Seconds later, it starts to heal itself along with her school uniform that was torn from Kuro's attack. The Reaper was amazed at what he was seeing.

Kuro: Interesting. I see that you have a bit of a regeneration ability. But not only you healed your wounds, but also the clothes you're wearing.
Dianna: You've bit more than you could chew, reaper.
Kuro: What was that?
Dianna: You clearly see our gap when it comes to our strength. Surrender now and I'll grant you a painless death.
Kuro: That's a laugh! Sorry girl, but that's not happening!
Dianna: I see. Then you leave me with no choice?
Kuro: What?

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