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A/N: Hey guys! This is my first story so I'm sorry if its terrible haha. I know many people don't ship Hoshi and Dino but I ship them a lot so I wrote this.  I'll try to update this regularly. Hope you enjoy~


There wasn't much Chan could do to object to going on the haunted rollercoaster. Being the maknae of the group, the older members had a pre-assumption that that he would get scared the easiest. It's not like he's a kid, he's eighteen now, but compared to the rest of the group he seems like a baby. He's been trying to show the older members that he's matured, and objecting to going on the haunted rollercoaster would only further enforce his childish image. So, when Hansol suggested they all go on the ride, Chan forced himself to go along with it.

Chan knew how rides like this worked. It would start with a short walk through a "haunted" entryway, then they would ride down on the "haunted" elevator which would probably stop on the "wrong floor," then they would get onto the actual rollercoaster.

Seventeen was so large that they filled a whole train of rollercoaster cars with the exception of one seat since they were paired in seats of two, but no one wanted to go alone with their entire group so it was just them. The beginning wasn't too bad and Chan made sure to stay in the middle of his group of friends, not wanting anything to jump out at him if he were standing on the edges. When they approached the elevator, though, Chan started to get nervous.

As soon as they got on the elevator they were told to hold onto the railings on the side and the lights went out. It was pitch black and the elevator started descending fairly quickly. It was a jerky ride down and his pre-existing fear of elevators wasn't helping anything. Chan shut his eyes tightly but opened them after a few seconds. He tried to look at his friends on either side of him to make him feel better but it was so dark he couldn't see them. With his eyes open, he realized that every once in a while one of the walls of the elevator would turn transparent and there were scary creatures in the walls looking at them. Chan gasped when one appeared next to him and it took everything in him not to scream, because the rest of the members were either silent or giggling. Why was this scaring him so much? He gripped the railing tighter as the elevator suddenly jerked to a stop. The stop was extremely abrupt and it threw Chan off balance, causing him to fall to the ground. Luckily, it was too dark for anyone to see his fall.

He waited for the elevator doors to open, but they didn't. He squinted his eyes, trying to see the other members through the dark.

"Are the doors gonna open, or...?" a voice said after about thirty seconds, sounding slightly annoyed. Chan could tell it was Jihoon.

"It's probably part of the ride. They're building up suspense," said another voice, probably Jisoo. They waited in silence until about a minute had gone by, and that's when Chan's heart started pounding. What was happening? He doubted they would intentionally be kept in complete darkness for over a minute. Jihoon spoke up again,

"This is a waste of time. Ride's aren't supposed to keep us waiting for so long, it's getting boring." Chan wanted to voice his concerns but he didn't want to sound scared so he kept quiet. Suddenly, the ride dropped, evidently much faster than it was supposed to. Chan felt himself lift off of the ground, then he was forcefully slammed back onto his butt as the ride jolted to a stop once again. He couldn't control his screaming as the elevator dropped, but the sound was drowned out in the screams of the rest of the members. The screams were followed by a series of groans as everyone was knocked off their feet.

There was silence for a moment before a mild panic settled over the boys in the elevator and everyone spoke at once, trying to figure out what had happened and whether or not they were safe.
They were all silenced by a loud voice coming from a speaker in the top right corner of the elevator that was generating spooky sound effects only a few minutes ago.

"Everyone please stay calm. We are experiencing technical difficulties with the elevator, but we are bringing in officials and we will have you all out as soon as possible. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience."

Before the boys could panic even more, Jeonghan cleared his throat. "Everyone stay calm, okay? Panicking isn't gonna do anything. They'll have us out as soon as possible."

Mingyu started to object, "but what if the elevator dro-"

"Hopefully that won't happen again," Jeonghan interrupted, "so let's all just sit down and relax until they can get us out." Nobody argued. Chan listened to Jeonghan's words and tried his best to stay calm. He actually succeeded, that is, until the elevator dropped again. It was a fairly small drop but it elicited a few gasps and screams from some of the younger boys in the elevator, Chan included. Remembering their climb up many flights of stairs to reach the top of the ride, his head flooded with thoughts of the elevator plummeting to the ground. The looming thought of them falling to their deaths combined with the utter darkness and the creepy noises consistently emitting from the speaker caused fear to overcome Chan. His breathing got heavier and he started to hyperventilate, trying to keep his whimpers as quiet as possible.

Sounds of distant footsteps were coming from the speaker and Chan felt chills go up his spine. They got slightly louder and his breathing got faster and suddenly he felt something grab him from behind. He screamed and jolted in his seated position, only to realize a moment later that it wasn't a scary creature clawing him apart, but a pair of strong arms wrapping around him from behind.

Chan squirmed to get out of the person's grip, not knowing who or what they were, but they were stronger than him and they pulled him closer.

"Shhh it's just me," they whispered in his ear, "It's Soonyoung. Calm down."


A/N: Once I finished the first chapter I realized it was way too long, so I'm splitting it into multiple chapters. I'm not even sure how many reads this is gonna get but for everyone who reads it, I hope you enjoyed the first chapter! The second one is coming soon.


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