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   Y/N entered the building where the concert was supposed to be held. She sat down in her seat after hours of waiting. Her seat was fairly decent. It was right in front of the stage, a view every ARMY would dream of. Hours went by and the concert finally started. She screamed with the other ARMYS. Throughout the concert, Y/N became louder and louder. Every now and then, a member would spare a glance at her and smirk, but, she never noticed. All she could do was scream and dance around. During Blood, Sweat, and Tears, Y/N was her happiest. She stood there, singing and dancing. Someone noticed her, but, not just anyone. Jimin came to kneel in front of her. He reached his hand out to Y/N, making her immedietly accept. He pulled her up onto the stage and danced on her as he sang. She just stood there, smiling like an idiot. She moved a little to the beat, but, she was too nervous, because of the crowd, to dance like she did before. Jimin noticed and wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her to his body. He leaned in slowly when suddenly....

  Y/N shot up from the sleeping position. She sat up and was panting heavily. Beads of sweat dripped from her face. She jumped from the blankets onto the floor, her feet hitting it with a thud. "Why did that seem so.... real?" She asked herself. "It was just a dream, just a dream, just a dream..." She repeated, now pacing back and forth on the hard wood floor. She jumped out of her thoughts when she heard her phone go off. Y/N gradually made her way to the desk and picked up her phone. It was a notification from a messaging app she uses to find online ARMY friends. She used the app quite often and frequently got notifications from it so she wasn't that surprised. 

  She typed in her password and was taken to a screen that showed her unread messages. She clicked the top one.

  PJM: Hey, wanna be friends?

BTSIsMyLife: Who are you?


 - Published 12/28/2017  - 

         365 words

this is honestly trash lmao

-Lei < 3

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