Chapter 3

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~Sally POV~

I picked truth, Jeff frowned at me and muttering"you won't be able to pick truth all the time." I stared at Jeff while he thought of a truth for me, I saw a evil grin appear across his face and I prayed that he didn't think of a horrible truth.

"It truth you and Red are together?" Jeff grinned wider when he saw how bad that truth has gotten me off guard. I felt my face turn into different shades of red, everyone stared at us and I shrunk behind Red.

"Ummm........... Well we're not together.." I awkwardly answered, this time Jeff wasn't smirking at me but at Red in a teasing way and I could tell that Red wanted to rip that smirk off from his face.

"At least we went on a couple of dates to the movies and did missions together." Red smirked, chuckling at me as my face turned into a dark red and buried my face into his back. Jeff just glared at Red, I coughed a bit in awkwardness and I could still feel myself blushing.

"U-um..Ben truth or dare?" I quickly looked at Ben, he burst out laughing. Geez looked liked they were enjoying my suffering, their such awesome friends. I growled angrily at him and tackled him, pulling his arm back while he tried to throw me off. I was actually stronger than him...damn he's freaking weak but then again he just kills and haunts people from a game or computer so he doesn't get any strength. I'm weak but for me to be able to pin Ben who was order than me by a long shot is scary.

"FINE FINE DARE!" Ben stopped struggling then I let him go, I smiled evilly at him. He grumbled angrily and I just rolled my eyes at him.

"Hey I did my truth so you need to do your dare! I dare you to dress up like Jeff." Now it was my turn to laugh, Ben turned pale and i dragged him to the bathroom. I gave him Jeff's clothes to him who Jane did the pleasure in getting them for me. Ben grumbled as he slammed the door close,he came out in Jeff's clothes that was baggy on him. I burst out laughing, Ben growled angrily and tackled me down but i kept laughing.

"SALLY YOUR SO DEAD, WATCH I'M GOING TO GET YOU BACK!!"  Ben screamed angrily at me but I didn't notice since I was still on the floor laughing. Ben angrily sat back down, his arms crossed over his chest and picking Jack for the next turn.

uuuuggggghh it's been almost 45 minutes playing this stupid game, nothing much was happening at all and the boredom was killing me. Smile did his dare that was biting laughing jacks toes while he was sleeping, Im wearing Red's clothes which are very comfortable and Jane was wearing a pink dress. Jeff and Jack went to the kitchen to get some snacks so we can eat while Ben picked someone to do truth or dare. His eyes stopped at me, he grinned evilly and i smiled back at him.

"Sally truth or dare?" Ben smirked while I flipped onto my back and looked at him upside down.

"DARE! Hit me with your best shot Benny!" Ben chuckled darkly, I mental hit myself because i just walked into a trap without even knowing it.

"I dare you to ask out Jeff and you have to be with him for 3 weeks if he says yes." I looked at Ben in shock and shook my head repeatedly. I glared at Ben, tackling him to the ground while everyone was laughing at us roll around on the ground fighting. Red finally snapped out of it and separated us, I grumbled at the thought of asking Jeff out and I threw a pillow angrily at Ben's laughing face.

"Well at least I know he's going to say no so i should be good." I said mostly to myself to make it a little better in asking him out. I sat back down, glaring at the door and daring it to open at any minute. I saw as the door knob move, Jack came in first with two kidneys in his hand and he threw one at me. I caught it gracefully, smiling at him sweetly and took a bite out of it. He shook his head at me and Jeff came in with a bowl of chips, a soda and cups.

"Sal why can't you be like the rest of them and hate kidneys?" Jack shook his head with his voice sounding disappointed.

"HEY! It was your fault for letting me taste one and it was good so not my fault that I liked it" I stuck my tongue at him and watched Jeff put down the bowl of chips on the ground while putting the soda and cups on the small desk that Jack had in the corner of his room. Ben cleared his throat, I looked at him and his eyes darted to Jeff then to me. I flicked him off  and mouthing,'I Hate You' he chuckled and did a heart with his hands also mouthing at me, 'I Love You Too Sal.' I stuck my tongue at him and took another bite out of my kidney,swallowing it slowly.

"Umm.. hey Jeff D-do you want to g-go out with me?" I didn't look at him when i asked him, I stared at my kidney and took small bites out of it. Everyone was laughing, I felt my face getting redder by the minute.  

"Yeah,I'll like to be with you Sal" Jeff smirked waiting for his words to sink in.

'Great he said no, thats awe- WAIT HE SAID YES!? HE DIDN'T JUST SAY YES!?' I screamed in my head but the way how everyone went silent and looked at Jeff in horror, I knew he indeed said yes. ~End of Sally POV~

Everyone stayed silent with their mouths open and looking from Sally and Jeff. Ben carefully walked to his friend, everyone sucked in a breath when Ben put his hand on Sally's shoulder.

"You o-okay Sal?" Ben nervously asked Sally, she didn't respond at first but her eyes narrowed dangerously.

"JEFF IT AN DARE YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO SAY YES YOU KNOW! IT'S AN DARE IF YOU DIDN'T KNOW!!" Sally screamed at Jeff, Ben flinched knowing that Sally is beyond from reasoning and tried to carefully back away from her.

"I know princess I'm not that dumb" Sally eyes widen letting Jeff's words sink in, he said yes on his own freewill. She shook her head,running out of the room quickly with a million thoughts running through her head as she slammed Jack's door behind her. 

Sally: Wow it been a long time since we updated, Jasmin yet again got lost since.. um someone got angry for her adding this horrible dare that i had to do. Yeah she might be missing for weeks, months maybe yea-


Sally: B-but I tied you up and threw you in a grave! I even buried you with lots of pile of dirt!!!! How did you escape!?!?!

Me: I have my ways.*disappears in thin air*

Sally:..........O_O she is fucking scarier than Slendy who is past his anger limit and thats saying something! okay then...let pretend that didn't happen..Imma go going to hide!

Jeff: Well then...Please comment,follow, click that freaking star that makes Jasmin crazy. Hoped you guys liked this chapter! Sorry for the late update Sally as you know buried Jasmin in a graveyard. Thanks for reading! Oh and if you think I'm beautiful and awesome do comment on that. Bye now. Go. To. Sleep. 

The Dare of Love or Hate (Sally)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें