Chapter 9

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Sally eyes widen when she saw both of them not moving, her head started to fill up with the worst thoughts as she walked toward Jeff and the man. Sally pushed the man off of Jeff who had blood staining his sweater on his heart. Sally choked back a scream, she bent down and stared at Jeff who didn't move or was breathing. Charlie patted Sally hand softly as she closed her eyes in pain and sadness, she got up slowly.

~Sally POV~

All I heard in my mind is that I killed Jeff, I shouldn't have shot. Why did I do it?! I didn't have a clear opening up yet I still shoot, its my fault he's dead.. I got up, holding back my tears and walked toward the door. I felt something grab my ankle, I screamed as the floor came up to me close as I fell down and I desperately tried grabbing onto something but nothing was around me to hold onto. I screamed on the top of my lungs, slashing out randomly as I took put my knife but of course the person took it out of my grasp. I tried kicking and punching the person blindly but they were to quick for me to catch a glimpse of them or even hit them. They grabbed my wrists,holding them over my head and pinned me to the wall. I closed my eyes tightly as I kicked out desperately but quickly stopped when they only used one hand to hold my wrists as they grabbed my face.

"Aww your so cute when you care and worry about me princess." Jeff familiar voice broke the silence as my eyes snapped open and look at his smirking face. I stare at him in shook as my head tried to understand what just happened, I felt my shock and relief drain out of me as it was replaced with anger and hatred.

"YOU PRETENDED YOU BE DEAD YOU JACKASS!!! I FUCKING THOUGHT I KILLED YOU AND YOU WERE JUST MESSING WITH ME!!" I yelled-no Screamed at his face, trying to get my wrists free from his grasp and trying hard to hit him.

"Oh come on princess it was funny seeing your reaction and to see that you actually care about me." Jeff purred in my ear,not loosening up his death grip on my wrists as I desperately tried to kick and punch him.

"LET ME GO YOU FUCKER! LET ME GO! I want to go back to the mansion and not talk to you until this stupid dare is over!!" I yelled, trying hard to escape him but it was useless. He was way stronger than me, I didn't care if we're going to do this all day. Jeff let out a frustrated sigh and used his free hand to tickle me.

"N-No  STOP IT STOP JEFF." I laughed as I squirmed around and tried to get away from him. Jeff ignored me as he kept tickling me and smirked at my resistance.

"Na I think this is quite entertaining unless of course you agree on going to the movies with me then I'll consider stopping." He can't be serous?! I try growling at him but ended up coughing/laughing. I nodded my head quickly as Jeff title his head to the side still smirking.

"I'm sorry I'm don't know why your nodding maybe if you tell me what you want then i'll understand you." I glare at him, squirming and kicking out at him again but of course he moved out of the way.

"F-FINE FINE I'll go to the m-movies with you!!!! JUST STOP TICKLING ME." I yelled, taking deep breaths when he finally stopped tickling me and he chuckled.

"Well I guess I found your weak spot, come on princess lets go." I gave him a glare, waiting for him to let my wrists but it didn't happen. I looked up at him,giving him a questioning look. I opened my mouth to say something when he threw me onto his shoulder and started walking downstairs.

"H-hey! Let me go!!! I said I would go with you!!" I banged on his back and kicked out at the air as I tried to get out of his grasp but he tighten his hold around my waist.

"I'm not that dumb, I'm pretty sure you would of ran away. Don't worry Princess your in safe hands." Jeff chuckled darkly as he pulled me closer to him, I felt my face heat up-wait a minute am I actually BLUSHING because of HIM?! Someone kill me now...please my body must be wrong in the head because I shouldn't blush! I HATE HIM WITH ALL MY HEART!

The Dare of Love or Hate (Sally)Where stories live. Discover now