The Dare of Love or Hate (Sally)

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Sally laid upside down on Bens bed while Masky and Jane were fighting for the only chair in the room. Hoody and Red were talking on the floor. Ben floating over their heads, Ben floated over Sally's head.

"Hey Sally who do you like?" Sally pulled Ben down and pretended to whisper in his ear. Ben nodded like he was understanding what she "said".

"Hey Jeff come in here!!!!! I have some news!!!!" Ben screeched, Sally eye widen and she tackled Ben to the ground. Masky laughed and also started to yell Jeff's name.

"Shut up you assholes!!!! I don't like him, he's a jerk and he hates me! I hate him too!" Sally growled at both Ben and Masky who were laughing their heads off. Red growled at Jeff's name at the same time Jane did. Hoody shook his head at Sally.

"You shouldn't be talking like that your just a little girl" Sally stuck her tongue at him, she changed into her 18 year old self. Hoody rolled his eyes at him and screamed when Masky tackled him  playfully.

"Hey now I'm old enough! I say Jeff is a jackass, jerk, rude, ungrateful asshole, and he's another version of the joker!" Sally crossed her arms over her chest, Sally tensed up when everyone was staring past her.

"Oh well I am, bratty princess? I hope your ready to Go. To. Sleep!" Jeff glared angrily at Sally but he felt a pang of hurt when she said that. Jeff ignored it, Sally turned around and back away.

"Na, I think I won't sleep. It's still pretty early." Sally phased through the wall when Jeff charged at her with his knife in his hand. You could hear Sally laughing through the wall and her footsteps running down stairs. Jeff ran out of the room, Jeff chuckled darkly when he saw Charlie sitting on the couch.

"Oh princess, look what I have. You don't want this thing to get ripped into tiny little pieces that you can't sew back together?" Jeff waved Charlie by his leg, Charlie growled dangerously at Jeff and showing Jeff all his bloody sharp teeth.

"JEFFERY YOU LET GO THE CHARLIE RIGHT NOW BEFORE I CUT YOU UP INTO WOLF MEAT!!!!!!" Sally screamed that everyone in the mansion had to covered their ears but Jeff who was smirking. Sally eyes turned to an angry bright color of green, they glowed dangerously. It caught Jeff off guard but he didn't show it, he never saw Sally this mad.

'This is going to be fun' thought Jeff excitedly, he started laughing insanely as Sally grabbed her dagger that Masky and Hoody got her since she has been taking on more dangerous missions. Jeff stuffed poor Charlie in his bloody old pocket sweater, Sally and Jeff clashed together with their weapons. They kept going, Sally had Jeff since she was able make him fall down and she was on his stomach with her dagger near his head. She lifted it up and started to bring it down to her targ- something grabbed Sally, pulling her up into the air and another one grabbed Jeff pulling him also in the air.

"Why do I always come back with you two almost killing each other?! Jeffery and Sally explain yourselves now." Slendy angrily 'glared' at them. Jeff sighed in disappointment, again Slendy had to ruin his fun. Jeff rolled his eyes and looked at Slendy's faceless face.

"Well we weren't going to kill each other since we can't die. You always seem to ruin our fun when it was going to the best part but if you must know it was m-"

"I did it! I started the fight dad.... Im sorry, I shouldn't of provoked him." Sally looked anywhere but Jeffs shocked eyes that were trying to make contact with hers. Slendy shook his head and let them both go, Jeff keeping staring at Sally but she ignored him. She walked upstairs to her room and an hour long lecture in fighting with your own teammate from Slendy. Sally sighed when her daddy left, she will be in her room for the whole and won't be able to go any missions since she can't leave the mansion for a whole week. Sally turned on her laptop and put on her favorite song,"DISCORD--Kinetic Typograhpy" and left it on volume 75. Sally smiled as she thought of a plan to get Jeff back.

Wow it been a long time since i soo shamed ;;  sorry guys i been thinking of ideas for my new stories and im stuck on nightmares might be a while for that one to update! Check out my other stories?? maybe...please do! I hope you like this one, im going to have so much fun with this one <3. Thanks for reading, comment,review, give me ideas or click that star that explodes skittles! doesn't but it makes me happy. oh and click it for old beautiful Jeff? yoooooou knoooow you waaaaaant toooooo!!!!!! ;3; *throws skittles* Thanks for reading again and i'll upload soon byeeeee! ;3

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