Chapter Four

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Franks POV:
How am I going to tell Gerard that I like him and that I'm gay?! What if he's not gay and I have been reading him wrong! What if... no Frank you need to stop with the what if's just tell him if he's a true friend he won't leave you even with the stupidest things. Ok so here's my plan I'll get my dad to leave us alone and I'll lead Gee into my room and I'll tell him from there. Yes good plan. ;) I look at Gerard with the corner of my eye he's off the phone and is staring at me with a huge grinning his face. "What?" I ask Gerard. " I can stay the weekend, the whole three days! Isn't that great!!" Said Gerard. Yes finding get to be with Gerard for a long period of time without having to worry about him if he's ok or not at home. " Yes! Yes it is!" I quickly reply.

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