Chapter Two

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Authors POV:
Frank finally made it to his sons school ( In, Belleville, New Jersey) parks in front of the school, gets out of his car, walks in to the school, and ends up being stoped by the secretary in the office asking what he wanted. Frank said he was here to see his son, so she gave him a visitors pass and let him go. Frank knew that his son would be in math, so he walked over to his sons math class to only hear a loud boom of memes slapped across his face by like half the class, because they are fans of Frank. Frank started to scan the room (only not to find his son) and heard a little voice from the middle of the room say (Warning) G NOTE and Frank started crying tremendously and a couple students walked up to Frank that were crying also and they all hugged until Frank started gagging on something that was coming up his thought so the two fans stepped away and frank threw up what seemed to be a jar worth of Cheez Wiz. Then Ryan Ross walked in (the janitor) and started licking the Cheez Wiz off the ground not knowing it just came from Frank and the whole class started laughing at Ryan so Ryan asked, "Why are you all laughing?! What because I have a Cheez Wiz addiction doesn't mean you have to laugh at me!!" Then a student said " Its because that just came from Frank!!" Then Ryan ran out of the room and into the bathroom. Finally Frank see's his son walk in "Dad?" "Son!" Then Frank goes up to his son and says "pick a friend I'm picking you up early." So Frank Jr. ( Frank Iero is Frank Jr. / CrankThatFranks son) said that he's gonna go get his friend from the classroom next door.

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