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A special thanks to Diana Tula for the cover art! :)



I can barely even remember what happened on that dreadful day. The day in which I looked death right in the face, causing me to go in for surgery, followed by an unusual expedition that took place within my own mind. Although I didn’t even know it, I was experiencing a realm in which I, myself created, inhabited by those I knew and those who I only gave a small glance at.

The minute those doctors had put the sedative within my body, my mind had created a place. A place with wonders beyond description, cities and scenery that couldn’t be experienced within the limitations of the real world. But it also contained horrors that would be equivalent to those in your worst nightmares. And yet, through all the confusion and twisted nature of it all, it was the most beautiful and breathtaking journey of my life.

This is my story . . .

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