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Three months later


Not much has happened. We are still a one big happy bipolar crazy family. Grace and I are the best of friends. She has changed me so much and I also changed her I used to be a beast that scared people that love him away. But now I can actually say I am a person. I love Gracey so much. I swear to god this chick is an angel sent from god. Don't get me wrong though we both still have our bad sides and we both still kill people. So yeah. But right now she's in the shower and  the gang and I are just having our crazy topics.

"Nigga you can't have 15 children." Key said to zay.

"Why not. 15 bipolar asses running around the house wouldn't be a bad thing nigga." He said.

"Okay whatever zay. I want a handsome rich guy who can accept me the way I am." Ava said.

"Why you looking for a guy when you have leloo right here." Ayo said flexing.

"Boy bye." Ava flicked him off.

"What kind of girl do you want Teo." Dee dee asked.

"A girl like Gracey I guess." I shrugged.

"Saw that one coming." India mumbled.

"Nah guys I want a girl that's thick like Gra but thicker." Imprint said.

"That's all you want. A thick girl." Kida said.

"Well yeah what else is there." Imprint said.

"Well moving on. I don't want no nigga I want a bitch that I can fuck all day everyday." India said since she's gay.

Grace was taking too long in the shower so I went to check on her. When I got there the door was open but she was not there. I figured she was probably in bathroom.

"Baby girl!" I yelled.

No answer.

"Princess." I say knocking on the bathroom door.

I heard sniffling.

"Mateo live me alone." She cried.

"Gracey open the door." I said calmy.

"No Mateo I might as well just die because I killed my own parents what kind of a daughter am I ?" She yelled.

"Let me in so you can tell me what's wrong!" I yelled back she didn't reply so I kicked the door and she was holding a pot of pills attempting to swallow all of them.


"come any closer and I will swallow them. Teo why do you even care no one ever loved me so why do you care?!" She cried.

"I love you I love so fucking much you have no idea. I also thought no one loved me until you showed up and showed me what love is and I.... I trailed off.
I would kill someone who would try and hurt you  because You're... My queen." That felt good I actually confessed my feelings for her. By now everyone was up either shocked or crying.

"Now please drop the pills." I said looking at her beautiful big brown eyes. Mane she's beautiful even when she crying.

She dropped the pills and came towards me. My arms were already open for a hug. She just fell into my arms and started crying.

"Shhhh it's okay." I could feel tears coming but I stayed strong for her.

"We should go." Ava said crying.

"Lil sis did you try and end your own life?" Ayo asked.

She slowly nodded.

"But I really shouldn't have cause I see now that I have people who care for me."

"Of course we do you're the big sister I've never had." Dee dee said.

"Yeah I mean you're my best fraan. And to be honest if anything happened to you I would feel really bad. Ava said.

"Look Gra. We all love you so don't pull out that stunt ever again okay." I said caressing her cheek.

She nodded. It's as if that's all she could do.

"Group hug"! Kida yelled.

We all got into a big hug.

"Love you guys". She finally said.

"We love you too". We all said back.

This girl almost ended something really special.

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