'Cold But Warm' • Jibeom

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(A/n; okay this is based on his title "cold but warm" wkjndfn, and this time it's your pov.)

I was walking down the hallway, chatting with some of my friends that were by my side. I didn't notice where I was going until I bumped into a guy that I truthfully hate, Jibeom.

"Watch where you're going, punk," he spat out in front of me. I rolled my eyes and got up on my own. I dusted off my uniform before responding,

"Yah! Look who's talking, just because your the student body president, doesn't mean you can go all crap on me!" I spat. Everyone gasped in surprisement, no one has ever talked like that to the student body president, especially to Jibeom. He looked startled at what just happened. I roll my eyes and started to walk to class, purposely slamming my shoulder into his so it can make contact.

"Ouch," he mumbled quietly before going off to wherever he was going.

I didn't get it, how come he's so nice and charming to everyone but me?

He's not the type to go all up in their face kind of guy, in fact he is just as nice as everyone else, well almost everyone, however, it just makes me wonder why does he hate my guts so bad? I just don't get it...


The bell rings through my ear, waking me up from my school slumber. I yawned a bit before rubbing my eyes, there I saw him stand before me.

"You forgot this..." he handed me my handkerchief, I was a bit afraid at first, then I calmed down and looked at him suspiciously while looking into his eyes with curiosity.

"Why are you being so, nice all of the sudden?" I questioned, still eyeing him suspiciously. He rolled his eyes before putting on his smug smirk,

"They say curiousity kills the cat, I'll be going now Y/L/N Y/N," he stuffed his hands into his pockets and went out the door. I look at his back as his figure disappears from my sight. I turn my head around back to the handkerchief.

'Jibeom-ah...why do you make my heart beat fast?'


I enter the student council room, many people gathered to hold their meeting which was done a few minutes ago before I came in. Jibeom looked my way and grinned, 'That's strange he never smiles at me...' I thought before slowly stepping up to him.

"Why do you want me here?" I questioned coldly, not bearing to look into his brown pupils. He sighed loudly before speaking,

"One of the council wants to borrow you for a sweet moment."

"Why couldn't they do it their selves, after all, you don't own me," I smirk seeing him astonished and surpised with my comeback. I look at him with a 'where is she/he' face. He looked at one of the council members, Baek Jaeyoung.

He came up to me and bowed politely, I blushed furiously, I like a nice gentlemen, unlike Jibeom. Jaeyoung stood up from his bow and lead me out of the conference room, just outside the doors.

"What do you want to talk about? Hurry, you got five minutes," I sighed loudly before crossing my arms and looking him up and down. He hesitated a bit before answering my question,

"Well,"--he cleared his throat--"you see Y/n, I really like you and was wondering if you wanted to have a date with me." Jaeyoung then smiles sheepishly after finishing. I admit I was taken a back cause, I never had a guy confess to me before. I cleared my throat before kindly declining his friendly offer.

"I'm sorry Jaeyoung, it turns out that I have a crush on someone else, perhaps you can wait for me?" He quickly nods as he opens his mouth. He smiles ear to ear while I mirror his action.

We heard a door open beside us, it's head poked out and it was Jibeom.

"I need to borrow Y/n for a second, sorry Jaeyoung."

"No it's okay, I'm done talking to her anyways," Jaeyoung says before entering the conference room. One we we were alone, I spoke up.

"Five minutes so speak." I did the same thing with what I did the Jaeyoung, I crossed my arms over my chest. He scoffed, responding to my doings.

"I heard everything, why did you turn him down?" He asks desperately, looking genuinely as I see through his eyes, I raised my left eyebrow.

"And why do you care?"

"It's because I do Y/n! I've liked you but I never had the guts to say anything! I just hope you like me too, that's why I've been like this the pasts years to you, you just don't know how fast you make my heart beat." Jibeom trails off. He scratches his back nervously while I smugly smiled at him.

"Wow, Kim Jibeom is confessing! And in fact, I turned him down because I like someone else," He looked discourage, I scoff as he doesn't see what I'm talking about.

"It's you, idiot."



Anyways since Im done doing the requests, I want more cause i actually like to write for you guys, so please requests some more and,


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