'Crashing Love' • Happy Ending • Y

885 22 12

short chap :P

[✔] edited


Sungyoon sunk himself deeper into the hospital bed. Sungyoon's eyes were once again filling up with tears. He prayed every single second, minute and moment he can and hoped that his love will come back to life for him.


He heard a girl coughing, and the sound was coming right beside him! He lifted his head quickly, turned to the heart monitor--the line became all zigzaggy (is that a word?) again--, then turned to Y/n who was finally fluttering to open her eyes again.

Sungyoon was overjoyed happy. He was so speechless that he called the nurses and doctors to deliver the news that she was alive and all well, kind of.

"We'll be there in a sec," One of the nurses answered then hung up immediately to a few seconds later to find the nurses and the doctor surrounding the patient.

"W-what happened?" Answered Y/n. Sungyoon held her hand tight and smiled softly.

"Nothing that you need to be worried about."
(a/n; wheeZE)

"Why am I in the hospital?" Y/n asked softly. Sungyoon looked at the doctor to let him explain.

"You were severely hurt in an accident that happened just earlier, so now that you're awake, we'll just get you to eat then we'll do surgery to get you all fixed up!" The doctor smiled warmly at Y/n. Y/n swiftly turned her head to Sungyoon who looked in a much worse condition than her, he had red and puffy eyes, blood dried up all over his clothes and messy hair.

"Sungyoon, go home and fix yourself, I want you to look your best," Y/n winked at him which made Sungyoon chuckle and look down.

"I will sweetie," Sungyoon responded then kissed her forehead. He smiled like there was no tomorrow. Now...his lover has been given to him by second chance.


Im cringing so much rn. My friend just read this and she cried reading the last chap, lmao.

Okay now I have another request to work on.
(btw happy late Christmas ❤)


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