'Dance' • pt.2 • Donghyun

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[✔] edited


I wake up with a smile on my face, usually I would never wear my glasses, but I just want to look more shyer, is that a thing? Eh, who cares.

I get up from bed and started heading downstairs.


I take out my phone and saw a notification.

'Dear students,

Today and tomorrow we have no school, you have school on Monday, so that means that whatever homework you had, you have an extra of four days.

Thank you.

Mr. Kim'

Oh! Yes I get to spend time with Donghyun. I sigh in relief.

As I reach the bottom of the stairs, I look around in my empty abode. Sigh, mom and dad aren't here again.

I shrug as I ate a piece of toast and started to head out to get some fresh air. I scratch as I mentally slapped myself, 'Oh wait, my coat.' I thought before grabbing it on the way out.


Sigh, I miss Y/n. She's so cute and adorable. I cant believe I didn't have the guts to talk to her. I'm so stupid!

I was just walking around the park for some fresh air, and some alone time when I see a familiar figure getting closer as my vision of the figure clears up. 'Oh wait is that her!?' I run up a bit closer and see her features. It is!

I ran up to her and hugged her.

"Y/n I miss you!" I called out.

"Hello Donghyun-ssi." She smiled.

"Come on, let's go practice, if you're ready."

"I- uh you know what sure. I want to get it done.." She shook her head yes.

"Okay then!" I smiled.


(a/n; so much skips I know but when I first wrote this I was a amateur, wait wrong word or- forget it, I was just a beginner so don't judge!)

We we're both sweating and smiling at each other. We stopped the music and then grabbed a water bottle. Suddenly, me and Y/n's hands collided causing us to both yank our hands away and look at the opposite direction.

"Y-you take it." I stuttered, feeling my cheeks, they were hot.

"O-okay, t-thank you D-Donghyun-ssi." She blushed and took the water bottle.

I took another one and after we started getting bored after practicing for two whole hours.

"I know! Let's play with your members!" She beamed out then grabbed her jacket and backpack and ran to the dorm, I followed closely behind her.


"Guys we should play hide and seek!" I said nodding and Y/n mirrored my actions whislt looking at me.

"Okay. Let's play rock paper scissors!" Y/n called out and got the members coming in.

"ROCK! PAPER! SCISSORS!" We mostly had scissors and rock. That means everybody with scissors (aka, Jaehyun, Jaeseok, Daeyeol, Y/n, Seungmin and Bomin.) had to play again.

Y/n made it in the second round and shouted competitively.

"HA! IN YO FACE!" She beamed proudly.

In the end Jaeseok was it.

"Okay, we can hide here, dance room and studio that's it no going outside or cheating or else YOU'RE OUT!" She made it clear and we nodded our heads.

"20..." Me and Y/n made a run for it.

"Come on Y/n, I know this place where no one will find us!" I grabbed her hand and lead her to the studio, which had a dressing room or a closet to store the clothes.

I closed the door and Y/n sat beside me.

We were just fiddling around and waiting for Jaeseok to find us. We heard voices in the room and that's when we totally shushed up.

Then the voices became more distant and then soon we couldn't hear them, that's when I decided to speak up.


"Yes Donghyun?" She replied.

I started to lean in, she flinched a bit but still managed.

"You're the prettiest girl I have ever met, and a great dancer, you just-- If only I talked to you earlier, you would've been mine." I sighed.

She started to giggle and sighed dreamily.

"I didn't know you liked me, I liked you for the whole time I saw you. And, I thought that, you would reject me, so I never talked or confessed to you." She said holding my hand.

"Well, then I'm yours now." I said kissing her neck.

"Okay Donghyun." She kissed my cheek.


SO, yeet. I hope you enjoyed m8.
anddd REQUEST MORE :D -Unnie


Cringe alert. Tch, i was so ew while writing this.


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