Keep On Hoping

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Yeah, not really a chapter.

Just wanted to let you know, that there is a coda/sidefic/whatever to this fic.

It's a crossover with Arrow (I know, DC x Marvel, kill me), but the comic universes don't collide much in case that would discourage you from reading it; in case it would encourage you in fact, it's definitely colliding! :D

You can find it on my profile here or on AO3 (Anika_Ann).

If you hate the idea of reading it, you can find down below some (un)important facts the fic brings to Damned If I Don't storyline, so you can just check these. Doesn't change the fact I would be delighted if you read the fic and left a comment or kudos if you felt like it.

Important facts for Damned If I Don't:

- There aren't many people who have the honour to call Vera Vera anymore, especially if it's someone who she met recently. Oliver Queen is one of them though.

- Vera met another vigilante, found out she got really good at stitching people up and figured out another secret identity.

- She might have made a friend of two and got some emotional support from unexpected places.

- Foggy is struggling with keeping the lights on in the office of Nelson & Murdock and he told Vera, together with the fact he considers shutting it down entirely; he also have doubts about Matt coming ever.

- Vera found out there are people out here, who apparently took vigilante business in Hell's Kitchen to their hands. (Now who that could be...)

- And probably most importantly: Vera learned Matt is alive even though he changed his outfit and he was currently in Cambodia (Felicity sent her photos from a security camera).

Damned If I Don't *Matt Murdock* (book two of Damned)Where stories live. Discover now