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Seokjin folded his arms and raised an eyebrow expectantly at the couple shuffling their feet anxiously in front of him. Behind them, Hoseok shrieked and flailed in the sandpit while Namjoon tried to calm how down by pulling funny faces.

"I'm not mad, it's just that- I didn't know-" Seokjin exhaled. "Jeongguk just turned 3 a few months ago so..."

He trailed off rather awkwardly. An air of tenseness shrouded the trio.

Taehyung piped up. "I can explain, actually Jimin and I kis-"

But then the air whooshed out gently from between his lips as Jimin elbowed him rather conspicuously. He flashed Seokjin an oily smile to diffuse the uncomfortable situation.

"I'm sure there's a logical explanation for this, Jin-hyung."

At this moment, Jeongguk tottered over and pulled on Seokjin's hand. "Kookie sorry." He gazed up at Seokjin dolefully and said in a voice barely above a whisper.

Something inside Seokjin soften like melted candle wax as he crouched down to wipe away the tears from the small boy's eyes. Really it was hard staying angry when Jeongguk had apologized so sincerely; besides it wasn't like Seokjin to hold a grudge or be pissed off about something so minor. Taehyung and Jimin were old family friends after all.

"It's alright, Gukkie," he said gently. "But why did you kiss your hyung?"

The moment the words left Jeongguk's mouth, Jimin and Taehyung blanched.

"Kookie thank you Hobie-hyung."

"Thank you?" Seokjin asked incredulously. Meanwhile Taehyung and Jimin were having some sort of silent argument as they soundlessly debated over this development.

"Because Hobie-hyung help Gukkie make sand bunny." He pointed a pudgy finger in the general direction of the sandpit.

"Who told you kissing means thank you?"

"Tae-appa! Because Ji-appa kiss Santa Claus thank you!"

Taehyung flinched. Jimin groaned and tried to find somewhere to hide because suddenly everything was blowing up right in their faces spectacularly like Christmas fireworks. Seokjin's expression remained unreadable although he was appraising Jimin and Taehyung from the corner of his eye.

"...Okay, thank you, Gukkie. Run along and play now."

"Bye bye!" Jeongguk waved his chubby hands energetically as he sped towards the playground.

("Kookie sorry, Hobie-hyung." Jeongguk said. Hoseok immediately stopped screeching and blinked.

"Okay." He answered straight away as if nothing had happened. "Wanna play horsie?"

"Kookie wanna!"

The two boys scrambled to their feet and went off hand in hand, playing gleefully near Yoongi who was reading a book silently.)

The wrap up's tomorrow, I'm kinda sad to be honest, it was so fun writing this. Tune in for the finale on TaeDay!

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