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Virgil's POV

My gaze rests on the mirror, as it has been for hours. I wipe my eyes with the back of my hand, dragging my eyes away from my reflection to look at the smear of black eyeshadow now adorning my pale hand. I scan my appearance again, amazed at how much I've changed since Depression disappeared. How pure energy seems to just radiate out of my now lively features. There's barely any black under my eyes, a much-welcomed change, I must admit. This must be how the others feel all the time, and to think that all it took for me to feel this was to... open up to them. They were never the enemy, I know that now. I wish I knew before.

I glance at my wrists, although almost healed, I can still make out the words I cut into my flesh if I look hard enough. Logan says they should be fully gone in 5 months at the most, so I push my sleeves over the marks, a physical reminder that I should be moving on. 

Moving on. A concept that a few months ago seemed so impossible, so daunting, now was a reality for me. It started slow, with gradual changes of my room. I slowly morphed the space into a much brighter area, my 'theme' turning from black to purple and whites. It's still very simple, bare almost, but for me it's perfect. 

Everyone has been so supportive, all trying in their own ways to help me. Maybe a little too helpful sometimes, but I appreciate the effort. With Christmas being a week ago, they used that as a way to get my mind off what happened. They even went out of their way to get me presents, which they're never done before. I was always sort of... left out... during Christmas in the past, so in a way, this was my first Christmas. Patton gave me a really fluffy yellow blanket, in his words "to remind you of me!" and Logan, being Logic and all, got me a book, "When Things Fall Apart" to which Patton freaked out about him not being 'subtle.' It's surprisingly a really good book and has kept me up very late in the night. I also have a night-light now, a red and purple glowing heart, given to me by none other than Roman. A sign of his love for me, he said.

Hearing fast-paced stomping coming up the hallway, I barely have time to walk to the door before Roman hurtles inside, a flash of red and white against purple walls. "What are you-" I began, broken off as Roman frantically searched my room. 

"Where is it? I know you have- aha!" he spied "Tangled" and with a shout seized the stolen movie from my desk. "You were so watching Tangled! I knew you had a thing for Disney!"

"I don't watch Disn-" Roman smirked at me, raising his eyebrows, "Oh fine. You caught me Princey," Flustered, I mumbled my response, trying not to smile when I see his triumphant smirk.

"Why have you not told me! All those times we could have watched Disney movies together!" He squealed, "I have got to do a movie night with you! I'll go get it ready. I need blankets, pillows, snacks..." Roman listed the materials on his fingers as he went down the hall, retreating back to his room. 

I laughed softly, he's an idiot. My adorable idiot. 

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