How and where you first meet {Finn, Richie, Mike}

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As requested by sttrangerpotter


• Finn Wolfhard:

At the Calpurnia's show.
You are watching Finn singing with the band, but you aren't recording anything, just looking into Finn's and he noticed that and smiled for you. After the show, you came for a meet-and-greet and after taking a photo with Ayla, you asked if you could hug Finn for a photo with him. He agreed and hugged you, and you felt he put something into the back pocket of your jeans (pervert haha jk), it was his number, and then, you two started to talk. He was always flirty and spicy, but super cute at the same time.

• Mike Wheeler:

On the library.
After all the mess with the mind flayer, Eleven literally killed herself to protect, like, the world, so now Mike was sad and alone. He spend so much time on the library, because he founded, in the books, a place where he can't get hurt. And one day, while he was choosing what to read next, you are trying to cath a book who was on a high place, and the pile of books you're using for it just broked, causing you to falling, but before you could hit the floor, Mike's hold you, causing you to blush hard. After that, you two started to talk and know eatch other, becoming friends and soon having feelings.

• Richie Tozier.

At the Quarry, after the IT thing.
You are hanging out alone at the Quarry, swinging on the lake, when you see kids coming up. You can see almost six boys and a redheaded pretty girl. They started to swing and suddenly a boy with glasses hit your back, causing you to wide your eyes and turn to him, who blushes hard. You notice his friends muttering like "just talk richie" "holy shit" "go go" and then he started talking to you all awkward but also a little spicy, and you liked that.


I'll do the others later, okay? ♡

Remembering that requests are open ♡

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