Part 24 - 26th June 1969

Start from the beginning

"This isn't going to help you recover Mrs McCartney. You need to rest and stay calm...for you and your baby."

"Don't tell Paul about the baby!"! Lucy begged, becoming hysterical again, "Please, he mustn't know!"

The doctor calmed her once more, promising the ensure Paul wasn't told about the pregnancy and also reassuring Lucy that her father had been called. Once more she was sedated and fell asleep almost instantly.

Twenty four hours later, having slept for virtually the whole time, Lucy opened her eyes.

"Hello sweetheart."

She turned. "Dad!" Her eyes filled with relieved tears. "Thank god you're here!"

He took her hand. "I'm here for as long as you need me Lucy love. You know that. OK?"

"I want to come home dad. Back to London." She paused, fighting more tears, "Paul and I, we're finished. I can't live with him anymore. It's impossible!"

"If you want to come home," her father soothed, "Then you can. But first, let's focus on getting you better. Alright?"

She nodded. "Dad?"

"Yes sweetheart?"

"I'm sorry."

"What for Lucy love?"

"I'm...I'm pregnant dad. But I can't stay with Paul."

Daniel had been told of the pregnancy by the doctor already so took the news calmly. "Then we'll deal with once you're up and well again sweetheart. Don't worry." He told her, "I love you Lucy. I'm always going to be here for you."

Three days later Lucy was much more recovered and more herself. She'd finally managed to have a long heart to heart conversation with her father about life with Paul and how unbearable he had become. Daniel wasn't surprised to hear how Paul had crumbled after his business dealings fell apart but his main concern was the now pregnant Lucy.

"I have to focus on me now dad. Me and the baby. Not Paul. He's not fit to be a father. I'm sorry for bringing shame on you."

"I'm not ashamed of Lucy. These things happen. I'm here for you." He told her, "And as soon as the doctor says you can be discharged, we'll go back to London."

"All my belongings are still at Paul's house though dad."

"Then I'll go and get them for you sweetheart."

The following day Daniel followed Lucy's directions and drove himself to High Park Farm. Looking at the house, it was very different from the description Lucy had given him. He knocked on the door. To his surprise Paul opened it. Lucy had given him a key just in case.

"Daniel?" Paul stared in surprise, "Is Lucy with you?"

Daniel shook his head. "She's still in hospital Paul. She's being discharged soon and has asked me to collect her stuff."

Paul let him into the now clean and tidy kitchen. He put the kettle on.

"How is Lucy?"

"I'm not really sure to be honest Paul."

"What do you mean?"

"The last time I saw my daughter," he began, "She was a bubbly beautiful young woman going off on an adventure with the man she adored. Six months later I find her having lost an enormous amount of weight, her life in tatters, emotionally and physically exhausted. What has happened to her Paul? To you both?"

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