Honeymoon Travels

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 I will probably have an epilogue after this part, enjoy, warning mature scenes  and mad cuteness ahead.

Part Twenty

Avni and Neil met Mishty before she headed off to school the next day.

"Angel , Superman!," she yelled before launching herself at them.

They took turns hugging her.

Mishty gave them kisses and more hugs after they presented her with chocolates and other gifts. They bid her good-bye soon after.

Neil grabbed her wrist.

She glanced at him quizzically due to his firm and sudden grip.

" There is a surprise for you," he said mysteriously.

Avni peeked inside the packet and gasped.

"Neil are you sure? Tumare kaam bauth honge," she lamented.

He chuckled.

"Avni other wives would be so excited right now. They wouldn't get all practical like you, You are totally an ajooba," he replied.

"Listen I am happy but.."

"Are you coming or.."

"Or what? Never mind don't finish that sentence. Only I am coming with you. Chalo, flight is in two hours," she exclaimed rechecking the tickets.

They caught a flight to Dubai. Here their honeymoon travels would begin.

They chose casual wear for the safari. They rode dirt bikes and explored the city for the next two days.

After a tiring day of exploring, Avni clamored into the bathroom of their suite. She ran the hot water and added lavender scented soap.

Neil was checking on some things by making a quick call and checking emails. He entered the bathroom a few moments later seeing Avni resting with her eyes closed. He smiled softly. It was ten days ago he had met his wife again after three months of seperation. He felt relieved every time she held him, or was near him. His insides felt at peace and warm whenever she let her presence be known.

He was broken from his reverie when without opening her eyes she spoke up.

"Don't stare at me Neil. Why don't you join me?," she asked giving him the sign he was waiting for since her return.

They had been intimate before but yet to become fully one. There had always been an urgency of some hurdle, deadlines or missions. Then they were separated.

One of their phones would ring or someone would knock on the door of their bedroom back home.

Tonight would be the night.

" Avni are you sure?," he asked.

She lured him over with her finger.

Usually she would feel shy, but tonight she lost her inhibitions.

" I think you are wearing too many clothes," she hissed, gazing at him.

Neil smiled at her boldness.

He obliged. A few moments later, he scrubbed her back and massaged her upper body.

She moaned in pleasure. That gave him some relief that she hadn't fallen asleep on him. They took turns scrubbing each other , kissing until the need for oxygen made them break apart. They learned all their sweet spots and got more intimate than ever before.

Sometime later, Neil helped her out of the now cool water. He handed her a towel. After drying off they headed back into their bedroom and pulled on some robes. They continued to caress each other and soon they had another round of love making.

It was in the morning when Neil realized they hadn't used protection.

"Avni are you ready for a baby in case we ..."

"Neil if we made a baby or two, it was meant to be. Are you ready to be a dad anytime soon?," she asked earnestly.

He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her face and neck.

" I can't wait to see our baby or babies someday. Whenever it happens I will be so happy Avni," he admitted.

Avni leaned in and kissed him on his lips.

"Either way we better enjoy this trip. Maybe next time we have to go on a journey we will have to consider the safety of a child," Avni declared.

Neil smiled.

"Or two," he joked.

She blushed.

They headed to Greece, landing in Athens next. They enjoyed the scenery, boating and hiking across the terrain. They had to go shopping for Switzerland as it was much cooler there. Neil got some help to recreate DDLJ moment for Avni's birthday.

They called Neela Ma and sent her pictures.

She teased them and they video chatted for sometime. Neil and Avni had a romantic dinner before retiring to bed. They would head to Italy next. When they got to Rome, she wanted to return to the Trevi fountain.

Neil obliged as it was due to this fountain their wishes had come true.

"You know Neil I didn't think I got any coins in the fountain when we were here on the tour three years ago," she commented.

Neil recalled throwing the coins into the fountain. Their love had won after all.

He let her ponder aloud before he pulled her back to himself.

He stroked a errant strand from her face. He kissed her forehead. She leaned in to kiss his cheek.

They felt so blessed to be here together three years later.

The trip did Avni well as she suffered no asthma attacks during their trips. She joked that turning 30, perhaps she had outgrown her asthma at last. Doctors agreed when she went for her follow up appointments a few weeks later. She had been feeling moody, nauseated off and on for a few days.

A pregnancy test came back normal.

She told Neela Ma first as she needed to surprise Neil. Together they came up with a cute way to surprise.

Avni made the final touches on her surprise. Neil was coming to meet them for dinner. She knew this dinner would be the most memorable one in his life.

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