Part 2

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The tour group approached Monaco. They posed for a group picture. Anaya tried to be composed and fit in as much as possible. She was used to being caught in conflict between the the strong headed females in her life with extended family members sided with one or the other. She felt like she had the shorter stick. What about her own wishes? Maybe she wanted to fall in love naturally or maybe she wanted just to be left alone? This is why she had left home ten days before everyone else before Aman's college graduation. She would be meeting them in London.

Avni had befriended two girls already that were her roommates the past two nights. Their names were Celeste and Brittany. Celeste was a few years younger than Aman and Brittany was Aman's age. She pondered why she hadn't embarked on such a trip before her in life. Why did she wait until now at the age of 27 to take off without her family. They had no idea where she was, just that she would join them in London.

The three girls had not signed up for the special dinner tonight, so they wandered the currently abandoned streets of Monaco. The royal family was currently away, therefore there was it much less populated than usual.

The girls ended up dinning at restaurant close by to one where Neil and the rest of the group were eating at.

Avni made small talk with the girls. Suddenly they felt a presence behind them. Avni felt some kind of spark and some goosebumps as she turned to see those chocolate orbs yet again.

"Hey Neil are we running late or something?, Brittany asked.

Avni quietly looked at him, stunned that she had not realized he was behind her right away. How did he suddenly find them? Wasn't he supposed to be at that grand dinner chaperoning the majority of the group?

"No girls you have another forty-five minutes, we still got another two courses, he stated to all of them but Avni seemed to think he was only looking at her.

He spoke briefly to them before he returning to his dinner.

Brittany and Celeste pondered how he suddenly found them and it was odd they didn't realize he was right nearby.

Avni commented on the same but a lingering feeling that there was more to Neil Desouza that met the eyes.

Outside the restaurant Neil smiled to himself.

" Two can play this game, he whispered to no one in particular.

They all hopped on the coach, Neil did his high fives with everyone had reached back safely.

He flashed Avni a smile. She smiled slightly back at him. She was still puzzled how easily he had found them before.

The next day the tour group would enter Cinque de Terre then move onto Florence.

Neil handed them the rail passes and encouraged them not to block the way for the rest of society.

Avni had to chuckle at this. For the first time in her life she was living without the extra tension. She would miss these days when she returned to her family in London then back to India.

They got to see the five lands. Avni and a few other girls got close and posed for pictures together.

Avni and her friends made it to the last stop in time for the sunset. She got a few great clicks and was pleased to have these memories to keep in her mind forever.

The girls spotted Neil and surrounded him. He was munching on gelato and it looked like he was relishing them.

From a bit of a distance, Avni spoke up, " Looks like someone has a sweet tooth.

He paused and smiled at her warmly before checking the time on his wrist watch. He warned everyone the last train was approaching.

Avni and JoAnn another fellow traveler ended up across from Neil in the train.

For some reason she felt daring. She had overheard JoAnn wanting to advise Neil about something before they had sat down across from him.

"She wanted to talk to you about something Neil, Avni said feeling slightly shy as soon as the words came out.

She was inwardly trying not to giggle.

JoAnn offered some advice about keeping his notes from his travels organized and Avni paid a bit attention but also was trying not to look directly into his eyes.

Once JoAnn was finished she met his eyes anyway. She could sense some amusement in them.

They arrived and Avni along with the others had to rush to keep up with him. Neil was sure quick. But Avni was lighter than some of the other girls on the trip and was able to soon catch up.

They arrived at the hostel later that evening. Neil gave Avni a considerate nod as he handed her the room key, she would be responsible for returning them and letting her roommates in if they retired after her.

Avni joined some of the gang in the main room of the hostel. Across the lobby she noted Neil discussing the extra activities with Celeste. She was going to call Celeste over to join them but did not want to interrupt the conversation.

Neil looked at Avni's retreating figure, he hoped to get a moment to talk to her after he finished speaking to Celeste.

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