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-(Y/N)'s POV-

This school year is definitely the worst.

My nightmares including Maddie have been increasing every night. And if that's not enough, our teachers always says to me why I'm being late at class more and more amd why I keep sleeping at class. One time, our math teacher, Ms. Hana, lectured me for like 30 minuted yesterday for sleeping during her class.

Oh, if only you know my life..


It was already dissmissal time, nearly all of the students have gone home already, and I was on my way to my locker when all of a sudden, I saw Maddie standing next to my locker, wearing her usual evil smirk, a knife resting on her hand. I gulped and tried to act brave.

"What do you want?" I demanded, happy that it sounded more angry than scared. When she didn't move and just laughed, my fear got replaced instantly by anger. "Get out of my sight," I gritted my teeth. I tried to push her out of the way but she suddenly laughed again, and she grabbed me by my right hand, making me drop all of my books to the ground. At this point, my fear has come back and my heart was pounding. She pinned me to the ground and placed her knife on my neck so close that I could feel how cold it was. She smirked,"Watch your words, (L/N) (last name), you don't wanna know what I do with my enemies when they angered me,"

After saying those words, she pulled the knife away from me and left casually, as if nothing happened. I stood up trembling badly, my eyes wide as I shakily picked up all my books. I put all my books in my locker and left instantly, wanting to forget what just happened this day.

-The Next Day- {Serena's POV}

My worry and concern towards (Y/N) has greatlt increased because today, she's not at school. I tried to remind myself that maybe she's just sick or she and her mom went somewhere, but no matter how hard I tried, but that thought of something bad happened to her remained in my head. My thoughts were suddenly interrupted as I accidentaly bumped into someone. I quickly picked myself and when I saw who it was, I can't help but shiver. She was holding a knife tightly and on her lips rests an evil smirk.


My eyes widened as I suddenly remembered Bonnie's words: holding a knife and smirking evilly.

But.. yesterday, why did she look nothing like this I'm seeing now?

Before I even knew it, she was walking away and I was picking up my books and once again walking through the hallway.


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