(Just imagine that the trainee is Jimin lol)

Many audiences clapped at the end of Jimin and Rosé's performance.

"Wow, that was spectatular, although we didn't have the same language but we all know that we enjoyed that right?" the main vocalist asked the audiences

"Yes!" The audiences answered in unison.

Jimin and Rosé highfived.

They both went back to their private hut feeling exhausted.

"I wanna go relax at the beach, wanna join me?" Rosé asked

"Maybe later" Jimin replied

Rosé started rummaging through her bag and shyly took her bikini set.

She started changing to it while Jimin was busy watching television.

She dived instantly to the sea water and let herself float,

Jimin watched her from afar as he starts to take off his shirt and jeans leaving only his shorts on.

He dived and went towards her.

She was clueless because she was closing her eyes. She was startled when she gets pulled by Jimin.

Jimin puts his hands on her waist, and without wasting any moment, he slowly kisses her with full passion.

"You waited for me....meeting you was the best part of my life do you know that? You have to hold on from now on Rosé, because I'm that weird guy who's obsessive to the person who's very special to me, even if things would go wrong, I would certainly not let you go ever" Jimin said

"You made me fall in love with you harder Jimin. Please always stay by my side." Rosé said with her soft tone

Jimin then pulls her to a tight hug and kisses her forehead

"I just can't believe how we first met, and it started when I accidentally stepped on your spider... I mean, how did we ever came to be?" Rosé said

"Well practically because we started to fall for each other, we're now with each other and that's what matters most now, I'll protect you from now on" Jimin said

They both dried themselves up afterwards and change to their comfortable outfit.

"I heard there's an arcade in this resort. Shall we play a game there Jiminie?" Rosé clapped her hands in excitement

"Yeah, why not?" Jimin smiled his usual smile

They went to the arcade and started playing the Question and Answer game.

"The person who gets the correct answer wins. And whoever gets the most wrong answer loses" Jimin said

"Bring it on" Rosé said

They started playing until the winner was decided, it was Jimin.

"Ha! I won! Now you have to give me something Rosé" Jimin said in victory.

"Something? Okay I'll buy you a gift later" Rosé said

"Aside from that"


Jimin points his cheek, then Rosé instantly knew what he meant.

Rosé just rolled her eyes whilst chuckling then gave him what he wanted, a kiss on the cheeks.

"Wah! I want you to do that to me all the time" Jimin said

Little did they know that there were two guys who were secretly gazing upon them.

"So, what they all said about him having a mental illness wasn't true at all. I mean look at him" The guy said

"Yes Sir" His secretary replied

"That company is absolutely going down, I'm going to spread how much of a liar Kim Seok Jin is, I'm going to spread  their secrets, especially about the true heir of that herbal company"

"What do you mean sir?"

"I know everything, I know that Kim Seok Jin is just an adopted one, and Jimin should be the rightful one to handle the company because he's the legitimate son, I'm going to reveal it, I'm going to crush them all!" The guy cackled,

                    | end of Chapter |

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