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"For this upcoming project you will be brewing Amortentia, does any of you know what that is? I'm sure some of you had heard of this when we discussed about this a while back in 5th year," Snape started monotonously, his tone not going any lower nor higher. Just dull and monotone. "I won't bother explaining you the whole thing anymore, so I'm just going to vaguely put this into words; Amortentia is the strongest love potion. You can research it more on your own because I have much better things to do than explain it all to you again if you're going to forget about it again."

"And you will be partnered," The classroom erupted into cheered hushed voices, some already deciding their partners.

"And I will choose." Snape added, resulting groans from the class.

"Quiet." The class sat still automatically, staring at Snape impatiently waiting for him to announce their partners.

Snape scanned the classroom, already deciding the partners in a split of a second if that's even possible. He announced the partners, "Ron Weasley and Draco Malfoy,"

At the announcement Ron's jaw went slack as he tried to form a sentence, but stuttered. Oh there's absolutely no way he's going to get partnered with that git.

Across the room he saw Hermione shooting him a pitiful look, although it looked like she was trying to muffle a laugh. He scanned the other side of the room once again to see Malfoy letting out a groan and Parkinson patting him in the back.

"Harry," whispered Ron in an impatient tone. "I don't want to be partnered with that little prick!"

Well I do, Harry thought. "You gotta accept it, Ron. Nevertheless I heard he's quite excellent in Potions so you won't be having too much problems if your potion failed." He whispered back airily, fingers clacking on the wooden desk as he waited for his name to escape Snape's mouth.

Ron furrowed his eyebrows, "As if he would ever lend me a hand if my potion failed in any way, and I don't want his help, I can do it myself."

He rolled his eyes at this childish statement the ginger had said, Ron sucked at Potions as much as Harry does, too. If not Ron is a little bit better at it than Harry as his girlfriend is always pushing him to study Potions with her every time, and Harry always had the chance to run away every time Hermione asks to study together with Ron and her. The girl might look harmless, but when it comes to studying, she will push you to your limits so then your results will exceed expectations even if she teaches you in the harshest way possible.

"Hermione Granger and Theodore Nott,"

"And I thought that I was the luckiest man alive." Ron grumbled once again, jealousy somewhat rising in him. "That would be you though who earned the title."

"Oh let her go for once will you? It's not like she's going to realize her feelings for Nott in the end of the project and run off to the sunset to raise little Nott children and abandon you." Harry finishes in one take of breath, shooting a glare to Ron.

The ginger stared back at him in horror, "Mate now you're really scaring me." Harry rolled his eyes once again at the vision of Hermione leaving Ron, those two are attached to the hip and Ron would probably be in an endless heartbreak if she did so, but he knew she won't do that. Hermione is an extremely loyal person and she is true to her actions and words, especially her feelings.

"Pansy Parkinson and Harry Potter," Snape grimaced as his last name rolled off his tongue, the word felt bitter in his mouth. But didn't say anything further.

Harry nodded to Parkinson in the other side of the room, receiving a curt nod from the black haired girl. She saw Draco pouting a little in the corner of her eye, knowing that he is obviously jealous of Snape's decision of pairing Pansy and Harry. She then decided to be the little sly person that she is and decided to tease him about it.

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