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EDITED : 11/12/18
WC : 1,177


Harry and Hermione sat in the library, Mione telling him the things and giving out her notes to Harry. Harry sighed, quill in hand, and wrote all the important things based on Hermione's notes. He rarely take notes in Transfiguration, he would just doze off in class, resulting him getting scolded by McGonagall and snickers from the others. His hand eventually grew tired so he put down the feather quill and leant back in his seat.

He thought about how close Draco was to his face, his soft puffs of minty breaths shooting towards his face. He immediately coughed to himself and groaned into the palms of his hands. Hermione who was reading a thick book noticed her friend's odd behaviour and decided that this is time to talk about the earlier encounter.

"Harry," Hermione nudged him playfully, dragging the 'y' in Harry. "What are you thinking about, huh?" Her voice teasing. He then looked over to his left, facing a smirking Hermione.

Hermione gasped at the sight of him and brought a hand to her mouth, muffling uncontrollable laughter. He cocked his head, why is she laughing?

"Why are you laughing?" Harry frowned, face reddening even more.

It actually took her a minute and a half for her to reduce her laughter, "It's just," She giggled again. "You're beet red, Harry!" Her statement made blood creeping up his neck and face again.

"No, I'm not!" Hermione chuckled then grabbed her wand and conjured a small mirror and handed him the reflective object with carved pinewood designated at it's sides.

He took a shuddering breath and faced the mirror, only to be greeted by his own face, and holy shit, she wasn't lying; Harry's face was scarlet red creeping to up neck and ears and his full face. His glasses slightly drooping off his nose, he pushed it back to inspect his face better. To be frank, he just look distressed it anything.

Seeing his own face, of course made him turn ruby even more.

"Stop it, Mione!" Harry muttered bitterly, burying his face in the table. Hermione shrank the already small mirror and plopped it inside her robe pocket. She then placed a hand in his back, then smiled thoughtfully.

"It's absolutely ridiculous that your biggest rival from 1st year could make you as red as a tomato over here, " She giggled while patting her back, earning a disgruntled grunt from the hero.

"Hey come on, Harry, it's okay."

He then faced her, face to face, "What even was that encounter! He even blushed afterwards! I've never been so confused in my entire life." Harry jabbed his raven hair.

"Not even after when Umbridge gave you detention for doing absolutely nothing wrong?" Hermione snorted, recalling the memory in 5th year when her, Ron, and Harry passed by Umbridge in the hallways and he immediately got sent to detention for absolutely no explainable reason. Seems like Harry's existence is bothering her so much.

"No, she just dislikes me very much so I see nothing wrong with it." Harry said airily, snorting as his thoughts wandered to when the centaurs snatched Umbridge. He's honestly still confused why he told Mione that they needed to rescue Umbridge, but then in realization he was upmost glad that they left the lady in pink to the hands of the centaurs.

"Fair enough," she raised her brow, and her expression quickly turned into a devious grin. "I think he has feelings for you too, you know. Your utterly daft brain just can't process that," Of course, she earned a gentle smack in her arm and a playful 'Hey!'

"You should really ask him to go to Hogsmeade with you during this upcoming weekend. Have you seen how he looks at you at classes and during supper? It's actually sickening that I bet the half of Gryffindor is sick of him staring at you every time in the Great Hall. Then again, if he rejected you, then alright, nothing wrong with it other than me having to deal with your heartbroken arse until I step into my deathbed." Hermione muttered the last sentence. Harry frowned at her and stared at her as if she has grown two heads.

"Oh, so the possibility of him teasing and recklessly embarrassing me about it, 'Potter asked me on a date, how cute' blah blah, the possibility of me embarrassing myself in front of the guy I daydream about in almost every class, the possibility of me being made fun by Slytherins and the whole Hogwarts because he told everyone, the possibility of the whole Wizarding World knowing that I have my eyes set on the man that they all dearly and truly hate even though he did nothing wrong, I'll have you know that, and the possibility of me, living with that embarrassment for the rest of my life! Yeah, absolutely nothing wrong with it." Harry made over-the-top flailing gestures with his hands and scoffed in the end of the sentence.

"Or maybe the possibility of living with him for the rest of your life," Hermione wiggled her eyebrows suggestively, only to be replied with a glare from Harry.

"Oh come on, Harry. Stop being so dramatic, if he rejected you then it's okay. You won't see him after this year because we'll be out from this place; so he won't tease you about it. Please Harry, think about it," She said, softening. "I beg you, ask him out or I swear to Merlin's sake I will convince Filch about your undying love towards him." The soft Hermione went to a threatening one in a heartbeat, as ridiculous as that threat sounded, he really don't want to get involved with Filch since the greasy killjoy would shoot him disgusted stares and give him the cruelest detention if he ever got into another one.

He hesitated and opened his mouth, only to have it closed again, "I'll try to at least if he doesn't run away or at least punch me in the face before I can even finish the sentence." Harry grumbled, already envisioning the scene where he asks Draco out and him already bolting away before he can even finish "will" in "will you go out with me".

"Oh I bet you he won't even run away," Hermione smirked, vaguely reassuring that Draco won't, can't even because she's sure his knees'll go weak.

"And how would you know that?" He challenged, facing Hermione in the face, arching an eyebrow at the bold statement.

"I just know and you're too oblivious to observe other people, Harry." She said matter-o-factly, going back to her book, hinting that he should really observe how Draco stare at him lovingly like a lost puppy in the Great Hall.

"Right." He mumbled.

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