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•Y/N P.O.V. a month later•

Well the Loser Party and me are on our way to school when we hear the demonic voice i'd never thought i'd here "HEYY SO CALLED LOSERS PARTY IM BAAACK" He says while laughing "OH NO" u all say together "OHHHH YESSS YOUR BEST FRIEND PENNYWISE IS HER...

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Well the Loser Party and me are on our way to school when we hear the demonic voice i'd never thought i'd here "HEYY SO CALLED LOSERS PARTY IM BAAACK" He says while laughing "OH NO" u all say together "OHHHH YESSS YOUR BEST FRIEND PENNYWISE IS HERE & I SEE WE HAVE NEW FRIENDS HERE I SEE OHH AND SMELL NEW  FEAR YUM GOOD FEAR WELL U MUST BE LUCAS, DUSTIN, MAXINE, ELEVEN-WAIT NO JANE, & ANOTHER MICHAEL OHH AND I ALMOST FORGOT I HAVE A PRESENT FOR U GUYS GO AHEAD OPEN IT" Jane walks to it slowly lacy pulls her back "OHH YEAH I FORGOT HOW COULD I THE FAMOUS E'LAYCIA LINDER & Y/N L/N WHO TOOK THEM FROM ME WELL ILL OPEN IT FOR U!" he opens it a Demogorgan jumped out screeching "RUN!" Mike(St) yells everyone does that i'm growning vines and doing everything i can to stop it "Everyone hug me!" Lacy yelled as we ran "Wym?"(or What u mean) "Just do it in 3...2...1" everyone hugged her i open my eyes were home at my home "Why are we here lacy?"Lucas asks "Ohhh god we're going to dieeee before i die Lacy i love u OMG i'm going to die really i didn't even tell my mom i love her i'm going to die lonely Y/N kiss me i need my first kiss-" i shook him "Eddie calm down we're not going to die...wait right lacy i don't want to die Wait if i have to die MIKEYY I LOVE YOU SOO MUCH 😍 I-" "WE'RE NOT GOING YO DIE PEOPLE WE JUST NEED TO FIND THE RESOURCE WERE THEY ARE COMING FROM...god!" She says exalted "WHAT ABOUT OUT PARENTS?!" Eddie says "They work with the F.B.I. i'm sure their fine with them....i need to rest.." and with that she feel straight down "N-NOW W-WHAT ARE WE G-GOING TO D-DO SHES THE ONLY ONE W-WHO
K-K-KNEW WHAT TO DO!?" Bill stutters "SHIT WE'RE DEAD...LACY WAKE UP!" Richie says shaking her "I see butterflies and Rainbows is that Mr.Fluffykins Hi i like ur black curly hair ohh u have beautiful lips kiss me i wanna see how soft they are" She says sleepily while licking her lips making Richie blush "Ummm..Lacy are u ok!" She got up slapped herself on her face "Ok i'm fine now" she got up straighten her Jacket 🧥 "What do u dudes want to eat before we go into war?!" I say "ICE CREAM!!!" Lacy yells "Make it then!" "You wanna know what i wanna eat?" Richie said walking closer to Lacy "Sure why not bubba" she said looking him straight in the eyes "Yo-" but get cut off by Eddie "Enough flirting we have to eat!" "Fine..Hold on to me we're going to the grocery store peeps"Lacy says everyone hugs her i open my eyes "WERE HERE!!" Eddie says jumping up and down "Awww ur so adorable Eddie" Lacy says "Not more than me right?" Richie says Concerned "First yes second we are staying the night they have beds food and power we'll be fine for now we leave at dawn tomorrow ok?"We all nod She tells us to call her if anything happens on our phones and Walkie talkies we then split up everyone with at least 7 people in a group but it's and extra person in Lacy's group my group Was Me,Mike(ST),Jane,Ben, Lucas & Max
2nd group
Lacy,Richie,Stan,Bill,Eddie, Dustin, Katie,& Mike(IT)
While while we were walking in isle we saw a girl with Red hair girl eating some marsh(Get it if not u will in the next part)mallows She has a Gun on her..Wait that looks like...no it can't be how did she get here

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