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•Y/N P.O.V.•
Lacy just got into a fight with two people u was going to help her but a teacher and ruined everything Lacy gave her Speech Richie looked shocked but awed like he wanted her back u know he did but he said he didn't they were just friends u think Lacy took all her anger out on that girl and that boy u kinda feel bad for them but they shouldn't have messed with her u got called down to the office u grabbed ur stuff and sighed as u walked out of 7th period Richie said he has to use the bathroom as we walked out the door he said "Can u tell Lacy i'll txt her later if her phone doesn't get took or if it does i'll txt ur phone cool?" "Yeah i guess Richie what do I get?" "I want a kiss?" "NoPe..i gotta boo thang as lacy usually says "I was Jkinf" he says laughing "ok but know she loves u Rich she never stoped just made a mistake ok just telling u ok cool?" "Ik Ik i was going to y'all to her about that i miss her soooo much" he says sadly "Well i gtg but if it does workout see if u can get her to eat because she has not ate in two days dude...See ya" u say and walk away to the office u see Lacy, ur mom, & Katie sitting down waiting "Come on girls once again i'm sorry Mr.Barfassstupid actually Mr.B well go with that"U & Katie laugh lacy stands there with a straight face we walk out "Lacy what made u kick their butts like that god?" Ur mom asked astonished "He pushed Richie and called me a wuss i didn't care about me but when he touched him i dont know i lost it something came over me i dont know what it was i thought i killed him i kinda feel bad..Well i told him not to touch him he pushed him"Lacy says with a smirk on her face "MOM CAN WE HAVE Like a hotel Party with the Losers Party on Friday please it would help lacy get back to herself come on and u get the house to ur self and the boys and the girls can share a room so no extra spending money mom and u can just let me borrow $700 dollars Mo-" u say she cuts u off "U don't have to beg yeah i'll pay for everything in advance ok" she says relived "Yessss i have the best mom ever thx so much i love you"
Skip to Friday Still Y/N P.O.V.•
Well Richie never called Lacy he even didn't say thx he's been a real bootyface lately well oh well he has to come he's in the Losers Party ugh ok outfits below👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇

Lacy's became more Bad/depressed she still hasn't ate in a while i try to get her to eat she still doesn't you've  been working on ur powers with lacy we get ready to leave we have our book bags 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇

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Lacy's became more Bad/depressed she still hasn't ate in a while i try to get her to eat she still doesn't you've  been working on ur powers with lacy
we get ready to leave we have our book bags 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇

Lacy's became more Bad/depressed she still hasn't ate in a while i try to get her to eat she still doesn't you've  been working on ur powers with lacy we get ready to leave we have our book bags 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇

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•3rd person P.O.V.•
We left out in my moms Van to go get the boys we drove for like 10mins because the boys were all at Richie & Mikes house this is going to be awkward the boys got in put their stuff in the trunk they got in the car the seating arrangement was
      CLOTHES,SNACKS, etc.
The car ride consists of some talking, handholding, & little pecks on the lips
We finn(i'm going to have to stop doing this)ally get there the boys goes to their room and the girls go to theirs we walk in i our my stuff on a bed i clame the bed i sit down in Richies bed "Hey dude feel any better?" "No i still feel like shit!" He says groggily "Why she did it to u fuck her actually were bout to go out and find u a new girl let's goooo!" "I dont want another girl i want her but if i'd make u happy i guess let's go get some bitches!" he says still groggily
we put on👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇

•We finn(i'm going to have to stop doing this)ally get there the boys goes to their room and the girls go to theirs we walk in i our my stuff on a bed i clame the bed i sit down in Richies bed "Hey dude feel any better?" "No i still feel like shit...

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I'm honestly surprised i got him to wear clothes we walk out he stops me "i bet i can get that girl's number" He says cockily "Do it!" he runs over there
I went downstairs because i left my charger in the car i got it went into the lobby i saw Richie talking to a girl i try to hurry back upstairs but someone had to see me yep u guessed it Richie he looked at me i kept walking he then walked up to me "Lacy i need to talk to u!" i turn around "Look i know u hate me but before u talk i love u i will always love u ok it was a mistake it meant nothing to me soo even though u just called me here ik ik i hope we can still be friends" i say putting my hand out he pulls my arm and kisses me in the lips i pull away "Richie i don't deserve u i don't even deserve this what i did was wrong now let go of me so i can go be sad again because this isn't helping now go back to ur new girlfriend so i can go coward" I say the best i can trying not to cry "We all make mistakes that's what makes us human i forgive u long as u promise not to do it again" he says and puts a pinkie out i would have done it if my mind well basically if i didn't jump on him and make him fall peppering his face with kisses "We're going to my room after we buy some ice cream for u to eat i heard u haven't been eating so and we're watching IT no question about it lets gooo! i'll see u later Mikey thx for the help"he says gets up puts an arm around me and walks out "Richie IVE MISSED U SOOOO MUCH I will never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever e-" "Ok baby i think i get it" he says sweetly "Give me a kiss?" "I thought it was usually me asking for kisses?!" he says and raises and eyebrow "Just kiss me loser" "NoPe" he says acting sad "Fine i'm going home Lose-" as i turned around waking he turns me back around and kisses me i kiss back of course "So do i have permission to kiss one girl since u kissed a boy?" i gave him a 'really' face "I guess if it makes u happy" i day sadly "Ok!" he says happily wow i must be that's horrible but he cut me off of my train of thought he genes my face and placed his soft lips onto my glossy ones it didn't go to far because just cause but yeah he brought me Ice cream we went to my room we're the girls were
Y/N P.O.V.•
Pennywise voice came back it just been talking and talking and talking say things like
We're friends
Fine don't talk but i'll be back
He finally left everything was fine for now at least

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