Chapter 2

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"HI," you say confused 🤷‍♀️ looking at mike then the boy, and back at Mike "he's my twin," Mike said "Ohh I wish had a twin that would be amazing"
"not as great as meeting you," the boy says "Haha your cute," you say u then mentally slap yourself realizing what u said "I'm Richie but u can call me tonight," Richie says as he gives u a crumbled piece of paper "I might just do that 😉 & I'm Y/N but u can call me n/n we'll see you guys later"u kiss Richie's cheek and walk away for dramatic effect and u can feel eyes on you
_______SKIP THE SCHOOL DAY_________
"hey n/n hold up" Richie runs over to you "yeah" "so u want to go to the arcade with me and the boys," He says "Sure my friends are boring" "I thought we were friends," he says offensively and joking at the same time "Nope.....but we can be Best friends if you'd like" "THAT'S BETTER!! so yes I can't believe that u SAID YESS OH YEAH" u shake ur head giggling and he takes you to the boys "well offense but what is she doing here, "Mike says "she's going with us to the arcade," Richie says and mike comes to up to him and whispers
something in his ear "So she can meet her she's not going to tell"Richie says
Who are they talking about?
Are you going to go with them?
And lastly, do u like Richie??
stay tuned to find out😗🤑☺️

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