Bun in the oven (but w/better grammer)

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It has been three weeks after You
and Toby's steamy sex.
But oddly the past two weeks, you've felt sick and even been throwing up. Every time you threw up, you always had a thought in the back of your head. That maybe you could be pregnant, but now you were almost a million percent positve you were pregnant.

"Ticci baby, I'll be back. I need to go get...something" You told toby. He stood up; smiling "W-want me to come with?" Toby asked, excited to go somewhere "NO!"You told toby. Toby look confused "o-ok th-then" Toby said, kinda gloomy
"Im going with jane, it's a.... Girls day... yeah" You told Toby. "O-ok bye b-babe"Toby said and gave you a quick kiss then went to go play videogames with BEN. "Come on Jane we need to go. Now."You told Jane who was sitting in the corner on her phone .

~Time skip to after the store And in the car~

"Are you going to keep him or her" Jane asked.
"Of course"
,"What are you going to do if you ARE pregnant?" Jane asked worried. " Well first I'm going to tell Toby.."You said worried if Toby wont want a baby. "Don't worry, (Y/N). If he dosn't want this baby its his lost. You can come live with Me" Jane said grabbing your hand. You smiled and thanked her.
You guys pulled up to Jane's house, you grabbing the pregnancy test and ran into her house straight to the bathroom. You peed on the test and waited with Jane on her restroom floor. "Ok. I'm going to check it." You said grabbing the pregnancy test and looking straight at it, your jaw dropped.
You were pregnant.
You burst into tears, hugging jane.

~Time skip to the mansion~

"Good luck" Jane said hugging you and leaving the mansion. You took in a deep breath before walking into your shared room with Toby. "H-hey (Y/N)" Toby said, pulling you into a kiss. "Toby," you said
"Can you sit down...Please" You asked.
"o-ok" Toby said smiling.. just by your presence.
You took in that smile. The smile that always gave you butterflies.. The smile that took your heart and swept you off your feet. The smile you might lose. forever.
"I'm pregnant" You flat out said looking at your hands.
"w-what!"Toby's smile faded
"Are y-you going to keep it? " Toby asked
"Yes" you said as tears began to welled up in your eyes. "W-we can't have a b-baby!"
Toby yelled, beginning to pull at his curly, brown locks "w-we are Killers!" Toby continued. You couldn't hold back your tears anymore, feeling them falling down your face, "B-But Im keeping my c-child,
T-Toby!"You sobbed. Toby yelled one last time before grabbing his hatchet and pushing past you, storming out of the room and leaving the mansion. You couldn't take anymore, falling down to your knees and cried.

You got me Pregnant! Ticci Toby x Reader (Lemon)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant