The Date. PT.2

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After about five minutes, the two kids finally made it to the bus stop. "- and then I dared the idiot to fall right down the stairs-." Mark chuckled, "nd he actually did it straight into Mrs.Applebottom!" Allison giggled resting her hand on his forearm trying to compose herself. "You have a cute giggle." Mark stated a smile on his face and a blush on hers. "S-shut up.." Allison said lightly pushing him away, looking away trying to hide her blush. Before they could say anything else, the bus pulled up in front of them allowing them on.

Across the street brought to you by BEN's pornos <3
"Gahh I c-can't see the-them" Toby complained, whilst watching his beloved daughter got on the bus. "No shit. They're on a bus" Jeff replied sitting in the behind you next to the window with BEN in the middle seat and Toby at the wheel. "I wonder what they're talking about.." You said watching the bus start to move, "Well if they're anything like you two, what position to try-" BEN started, "I will end you if you finish that sentence" Toby said cutting him off. "Shut your trap BEN" Jeff said necking BEN, making you giggle. "Let's get back to stalking my daughter, you dweebs." You said a smile lingering on your face. You loved the dynamic of your family- Yes, family. Ever since you got pregnant, somehow became even closer to the pastas like they were your real siblings. You especially loved how much they loved your kids. Anywhooo.. back to the date

Once Allison and Mark got situated on the bus, they barely spoke just sat in a comfortable silence. At some point they even held hands 🥺. It didn't take long until they made it to their stop, which was surprising close to the ice cream shack.
( meh dunno what to call it lol ) As soon as they made it to the shack, both kids started sampling everything and I mean EVERYTHING. "Can he try.. mango bacon?" Allison said with a smirk on her face.

Outside ice cream shack
You and the pastas settled behind some bushes not too far from the shack watching the kids waiting for them to exit, so you could hear all the juicy details. "She is growing up so fast.." you pointed out, eyes getting a little glossy. "A-Awe b-babyy.." Toby started, pulling you into his side, "She is s-s-still our b-baby g-gir-girl." He reassured, leaving a kiss on your forehead. "Yeah (Y/N), can't change that" Jeff  said patting your shoulder. "They'll probably bang though since they're this horn-dogs kid" said BEN pointing at Toby. "Says the guy that watches porn to fall asleep" You retort with a giggle, "and I do it proudly." BEN replies a large dopey smile on his face. "Shh they're coming out" Jeff says drawing everyone"'s attention to the two kids.

Back to The Date
Eventually they both decided on a ice cream to enjoy and decided to sit outside and watch the sunset. "Wanna listen to Twenty one Pilots?" Allison asked enjoying her butter pecan, "Ugh, Ofcourse!" Mark replied as Allison pulled out her earbuds and phone and handed him one while she took the other. Once they finished their ice creams, Mark excused himself to the bathroom while Allison waited. "Hey there hot stuff" A unknown male voice called out, causing Allison to turn around. She didn't recognize him so she assumed he was talking to someone else, "Yea I'm talkin' to you, Doll face." The male said now standing in front of her. "I ugh.. am not interested." Allison said getting up to go find  Mark to leave, "Oh no you don't" He said harshly, grabbing Allison's arm pulling her into him.

Behind the bushes
"Oh no you don't." He said harshly, grabbing Allison's arm pulling her into him. "The Fuck!" The three men said grabbing their weapons( knife, miniature hatchet, blade ya know ) prepared to publicly end this ass holes life, but before they could even stand up they heard a "Back off prick!" and the shithead was on the floor with Mark standing over him. already know.. the date
"Back off prick!"  Mark said right before he punched the dude. "A-Are you okay?" he asked, voice laced with worry, pulling Allison into a tight embrace. "Y-yea I'm.. I'm okay" she said holding onto his shirt, faced buried in his chest. "Good good I'm glad" Mark said holding onto her for a few more seconds, "Let's go.. I'll take you home." Mark said pulling away from the embrace but putting his arm over Allison's shoulders.

Time skip to Allison's house
"I'm sorry about tonight.." Mark started, looking down, " You probably don't want to go out again-." He was interrupted by a kiss to the lips. " I would love to go out again.." Allison said both kids blushing like tomatoes, "O-okay c-coool" Mark said rubbing the back of his neck. "I'll see you at school" Allison said before opening the front door and slipping inside, A large smile plastered on her face. "I see you had a good time" You said sitting on the couch with the boys, Toby kinda grumpy (def saw her kiss him when they snuck in through the back). She didn't reply just smile and nodded. 'They grow up so fast' you thought once more.
Thanks for reading guys! Also I will take request or ideas of what you guys would want to read for this book or whatever... hope you guys liked it :)

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⏰ Ultima actualizare: Feb 13, 2022 ⏰

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