That means Dennis knew he had run out of the room and had people block him on purpose and had Wonnie run into him to stall him.

Realizing what had happened he began to pound his fist on Dennis's back. "Please, let me go! I can not stay if I do you will be in danger. I do not want any of you to get hurt, especially you, please....I beg of you let me go, please!!"

But Dennis didn't even flinch at his word only tightening his grip. Tears began to slide down his cheeks as he thought about everything. Since Dennis saved him, if the hunters came here for him then surely they will attack Dennis when they realized he was half vampire just like him. If they did then everything, everyone will be attacked. Dennis could be killed just like his parents were and everyone in the hotel could be hunted down for just being a monster. He had to leave and fast, but Dennis won't let him and honestly he can't leave him, he loved him so much.

Looking around he realized Dennis had carried him all the way up to the roof. 

"Why?" he asked as Dennis sat him down on the roof standing beside him as they watched the dark night sky together. Unlike humans, they slept during the day and stayed up till four in the morning until it was considered actually late for them. Dennis sat behind him pulling him in between his legs holding him close.

"I know it's dangerous, but do you not trust me to protect you?" he asked him.

Snow didn't have to turn around to know he felt betrayed, he did trust him but he was afraid when something happens Dennis will turn away from him. Blaming him for the misfortunes that happen around the hotel.

Gripping the arms that surrounded him he leaned back into his chest. "I do trust you, but I'm afraid"

"Afraid of what?"

He hesitated before answering, "What if they hurt you, or your family or even worse what if you di-"

Dennis turned him to face him, smiling, "I will never leave your side, for you are my zing, my love, my life, my everything"

And with those sweet words, Dennis leaned in kissing him softly. Snow whimpered in delight at feeling his lips against his. Dennis taking the sound as a good sign he pressed his body closer to him, tightening his arms around Snow. Snow wrapped his arms around his neck pulling himself closer to his zing.

They were so enchanted by each other that they did not notice the dark aura behind them on the other side of the roof. If Snow had opened his eyes he would see Winnie glaring daggers at them with a soft growl escaping her mouth as she watched them kiss. (pervert, LOLOL I did this once with my friend took a pic and sent it to her she wanted more LOLOL)

Picking up something she did not hesitate to throw it at Dennis's head.


Pulling back he stood up looking around for the enemy but didn't see a small hole that was near him. His foot got caught making the hole bigger as Dennis fell through. Snow screamed and watched as he fell, not even thinking he jumped down the hole following him as well hoping he was not hurt


Jhonny and Dracula were in the steam room wondering what to do about Mavis and Winnie.

"She's not usually like this, what changed?" Jhonny ruffles his hair trying to find an answer to his own question. True his wife was usually always so kind, but since they found out Snow was Dennis's zing she's been acting strangely. Just like, Jhonny turned to look at Dracula who had his eyes closed while leaning back covering his eyes with his arm.

" you"

Lifting his arm, Dracula stared at Jhonny, "Me?"

Blushing brightly though Dracula couldn't notice because of the steam that surrounded the room.

"Nothing!" he yelled covering his face trying to fade into the steam. Dracula tried to reach for Jhonny to see what was wrong but a loud scream made them jump away looking up towards the roof.

Dennis broke through the roof landing on the wet floor, he smiled shyly at his father who stared at him shocked.



Snow fell through the roof falling directly onto Dennis who passed out from having hit the floor twice. Well, if anyone asked he would not say the truth, that having his zing land on him made him pass out. Especially if he wants another kiss.

Snow freaked as he realized his zing was out cold, looking around he saw a bucket of water and without thinking he grabbed it throwing all the water on Dennis.

Who woke suddenly as he looked around for danger only to freak out as he saw Snow worrying about him.

"Are you alright? Anything broke?" he asked him, waving his hands around his body.

Smiling, Dennis grabbed his hand stopping him as he laughed at his face. Realizing he was being made fun of Snow pouted knowing his love was safe and left the room. Following behind him, Dennis continued to laugh and apologize.

Johnny and Dracula could not help but stare at the two who left and then at each other as they realized that was similar to the past. Both began to laugh as they knew everything will be alright between them.


Snow yawned loudly as he laid in bed waiting for Dennis to come back to bed, turns out the bucket of water was sweat from Frank. Dennis, who realized it first quickly ran into the shower to clean up.

Since it has been awhile Snow began to grow tired as he closed his eyes. Maybe he will rest for just a little bit. Soon sleep took over him as he was whisked away into a dream.

Dennis came out soon after and couldn't help but take a few photos of his love before getting in bed as well. Though he didn't close his eyes before he stole another kiss from his zing's soft lips.

"Goodnight, my zing, my love"


PHEW!! another one done, LOLOL. I'm happy to see people reading this story, I wasn't so sure since it's fanfiction of a movie that people love. I tend to this sometimes so I hope no one is upset with me. Even though I don't know my readers or anyone really. I'm happy to see others read my stories.

Though I hope my family never read's my yaoi stories I don't really like having my parents come into the room and give me another one of their 'talks' on sexuality. It's nothing bad I just wish they'll stop trying to change my beliefs. SIGH, well then until tomorrow my people that I wish I knew in the real world.

Well until tomorrow my readers!!

We Zinged?‍❤️‍?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora