Modern IT characters

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Richie -: The type of teenage boy to go on Omegle and look for naked girls, but always runs into a naked guy and screams "NO HOMO" before skipping.

+ Gets really offended when people make fun of him for using and having a vape pen/listening to sound cloud rappers.

+ A general fuck boy and heartbreaker, who uses one
too many tongue emojis.

Bill -: Is on any and every social media, probably has twenty accounts, and each one has a decent amount of followers because he posts funny videos on YouTube of him reacting to other videos/games.

"Today w-we will be
r-reacting to.. an EMO c-compilation! Wai- is th-that Beverly
o-on the c-cover?"

+ Sometimes shoots vlogs with
Georgie, and has one serious post explaining how he got his stutter.

Beverly -: Has a very known Tumblr love and is the one type of blog to post deep/meaningful poems that most would cry to at two in the morning.

The sun is my source
for living, something I
thrive off of.. but you're
making it midnight.

"Warn me before you
play the G-Note!"

+ Wears dark colors and is
a hardcore fan of My Chemical Romance.

+ Called Emo 24/7 by Richie.

Eddie -: Is always on Twitter, because he feasts on drama. When it's not involving him, you can expect him to definitely be there. Especially when it's a #isoverparty.

Edsthemans: Never liked that singer anyways! #whoisshe #isoverparty

Edsthemans: Never liked that singer anyways! #whoisshe #isoverparty

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+ Has a YouTube exposing channel with the name "hoexposed"

+ Has a grudge with almost everyone.

Stanley -: More down to Earth, until you get to know him. He will go onto Instagram and pick a fight with someone, even if he secretly agrees with what they're stating.

"Oh, it's about to get spicy."

*Stanley aggressively breathes as he punches down onto his keyboard*

' lol no one even said anything about ur eyebrows, don't make this all
about u like u always do. I'm just telling u that ur opinion is wrong, even if ur entitled to one. '

+ Loves memes.

+ Owns a private Instagram account
just for fighting others.

Ben -: A fellow Wattpad user, except he keeps from the Fan Fiction and tends to read the Horror Novels. You can already tell he gets told he votes too much.

"Again?! But I just started reading not even that long ago, I couldn't have voted for THAT many cha- 250? Oh."

+ Usually hangs around Starbucks,
when he's writing and or reading.

Mike -: He's the one kid who sticks to Facebook, because he knows if he goes to any other social media his grandpa will find out and not be happy.

Mike Hanlon updated his status!

Mike: Just bought a Diet Coke, because I'm planning on being healthy.

Richie: this is the fourth time u
have posted about a diet coke and
they're not even healthy dude!

Beverly: Leave him be. Can't you
see he's trying?

Richie: oh no tumblr invaded again.

Ben: How do you give a like on
this platform?

Bill: Leave my girlfriend
alone, Richie!

Richie has poked Bill!

Bill: Go away.

Eddie: My favorite dRAmA.

Stanley: Not this exposing bitch.

Eddie: Excuse me, Stanley?

Mike: But it's diet..


+ Only watches YouTube. Cable who?

+ Is the least Internet taught teen,
because he's usually busy helping his grandfather around their store.

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