IT CAST : You're in a zombie apocalypse with them

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Jaeden : He won't be the strongest person to go against flesh eaters with, but he will definitely be the most encouraging of the pack. If anything he'll make it all 20x easier, even though it still remains hard.

"I'll go around back, and
you go through the front.
You've got this, [Y/N]."

Finn : Becomes a complete bad-ass and grows aware of everything. Won't allow you out unless he's with you and will always be guarding you from every direction.

"Stay close, I don't need
you getting hurt."

Will do anything to
help you survive.

Wyatt : Actually treats the battlefield as a video game, won't be uptight with where he's going and makes every situation a joking one.

"Ahh, the smell of rotting
corpses in the morning!"

Chosen : Complete survivalist. Will ration out food, and be the leader of the group. Knows his ways around a weapon, and will not be afraid to use it if he has to.

"You're with me, [Y/N], and as long as I'm alive. You will be too."

Jack : Won't want to fight it, instead will let them have at him. He'll give up instantly and then you'll have to become stone cold so you can survive through the world. Refusing to become a flesh eater.

"One year ago today, I watched my boyfriend willingly give himself to the flesh eaters out there, and I will REFUSE to do that for myself!"

Sophia : Keeps all her hair cut off and eventually learns new fighting moves, easily killing walkers with a small pocketknife. She's not good with food rationalizing, but she can find you ways to sleep in crevices where no one could find you.

Nicholas : Loots up on ammo, and will let loose on the walkers. Not caring how much noise he caused, because he'll kill every single one that walks in close proximity to the two of you. He's not very smart with his utilizing.

Bill : Grows his own community, and gathers several people. Will soon become the leader that gets every source out in the world, and you'll be by his side. Playing it out in harmony.

"We rule this world now! No one
can say otherwise!"

Jeremy : At first will refuse to lay hands on a walker, but now kills them with the swing of a baseball bat. Has broken his innocent stage, and now does whatever he wants and however he wants. Away from walkers, of course. But he also vows to make revenge for you, as you passed away from being eaten alive.

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