Unconsciously, I let out a small sigh of relive when I see the now familiar shine of his red helmet in the light from the street lamps.

"I didn't know you went out." I decide against laying back down without saying about thing. It would only make matters worse.

"I didn't know I had to check with you." He says, crossing his arms over his chest.

My cheeks heat up slightly,"That's not what I meant. I just don't really like the idea of you going out at unsuspecting times. I mean, if I wanted to, I could just run away."

"You wouldn't last a few hours out there." His voice was back to that hardness and I am growing to loathe.

"Maybe I wouldn't. Or maybe I am a secret ninja. You never know after all, we don't know each other." I shrug innocently, still not giving this up. If I am going to be here for a while, then I refuse to live here with a stranger.

I don't care what type of food he brings me, I'm not eating any of it until I know his story. Call me stubborn or call me smart, but I was taught not to take anything from someone you don't know and I still haven't the slightest clue as to who this guy is.

"I'm so sure." I watch his tall figure walk past me, the darkness consuming him the more he moves away from the window.


He stops, his back parallel to mine as he faces the opposite way to walk out of the room. "What?"

"My name." I swallowed hesitantly, afraid to shatter the silence between us anymore than I already had," It's Hazel."

The silence of the night made it seem as if someone breathing too loud could make the silence shatter into a million pieces.

My voice was no exception, and I was terrified that if I spoke to loud, even one word, the it would shatter, along with everything in the room.

The silence seemed to make my voice feel smaller than it was, so when I finally heard his footsteps again, it shocked me to hear how loud and distinctive each one was, as if the silence broke just for him. As if he ruled the silence.

It's as if he didn't even view the silence as fragile, but a force that he had to over come. And he didn't want to back down from the fight.

My throat became very dry as I think about my next few days ahead; can I even do this? Can I make it through without him threatening me even more than tonight? Can I even make it to the end of this little agreement(if you can even call it that)?

I figured I might as while extend an olive branch. No one ever got anywhere just being upset with something. If it really bugged me then I needed to do something about it. So, I did.

I don't know what it is that happened to him, but it couldn't have been good, judging from what I have seen of him.

He hasn't taken that helmet off since I came here. I am kind of invading his personal space, but by force. Maybe he does want company, but he doesn't know how to ask. Either way, I am not going to sit here, be quiet and be ok with being forced to be here against my will by someone that I can only make guesses from.

But I can't expect him to open up to me just the same that he can't expect me to open up after only knowing him for a few hours. After all, trust is a two-way street. And if I don't even try to trust him, then there wouldn't be any point for him to try to earn mine.

My back hits the couch again, my mind to awake to just go back to sleep.

He approached things so head on that it scared me. He isn't afraid to break the silence. He isn't afraid to threaten to kill me. So how could I think that I could be his ally?

It seems very clear to him that he is in control right now. So, maybe, I should try to change that.

My eyes begin to burn from tiredness, warning me that I need sleep. And the pulsing on my upper arm only tempted me more.

But, the one thing that is keeping me wake is the very fact that I am laying on some else's couch, in someone else's home. And that someone else is a stranger.

But not for long. He will break, just as the silence did for him. No one wants to feel lonely, and judging by his hostility toward me and the fact that there aren't any pictures on the wall means that he doesn't have anyone.

If I am going to be staying here for a while, then I don't see any reason for me not to be a friend.


A/n: double update this week because I was out of the country last week.

Questions: How do you feel about this book so far?

dove in the darkness ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ⋘ jason todd ⋙Where stories live. Discover now