How was I supposed to explain to her something I didn't know, I guess I could ask her to help me do some research. But that would mean talking to her and I just don't think I could handle that right now.

I had to much do to, as it was; I need to perform my own version of a seance for Mae, then I would have to do an unbinding ritual and a cleansing of the house in hopes that would break whatever ties hold them there.

The latter was a last ditch effort, my first plan involves trying to talk Mae into leaving.  As I was walking out of the hotel lobby, did I realize I ran out of my room without making sure I had all the supplies I would need?

Sighing loudly and with a lot of frustration, I touched Maddox's arm.

"I will be right back, I forgot something. Don't leave without me." I made my way to my room, the whole time digging for the stupid key card, this is was starting to not be my day. 

Twenty minutes later and a whole lot of cussing later I had everything I needed and had returned to the cars. Surprise, surprise my saved seat was in the car with Xander and Casey, yup kill me.

After an eternity of awkwardness in the car we pulled off onto the drive, I could not wait to get out. The sun setting behind the house only added to the beauty, rendering me breathless.

I shook it off as soon as the car stopped, I was out and in the house. I tried my best to collect myself the whole way here. I gave my brain over to my instincts.

I stepped in the foyer or parlor, playing back what my Papa told me to do, I closed my eyes and concentrated on the energies of the house, searching for the stronger flare.

I sensed something, following my gut I worked my way towards it. Not really caring if anyone tagged along, I had my camcorder out and recording. I even dug my digital recorder out of my bag and had it out in front of me as I climbed the grand staircase.

I was halfway to the first landing when I heard footsteps climbing behind me. I didn't even bother to look, it didn't matter.

As soon as I stepped onto the landing I felt a surge of power, a strong surge, I closed my eyes again letting whatever it was inside me to lead the way. I walked nose first into the window right in front of the stair.

Rubbing my scrunched up face, tenderly touching my almost broken nose. I heard a chuckle behind me, I chose to ignore whoever some more. I don't understand, what is so significant about this window.

"Dumb ass, look out the window." said my inner bitch. I looked out the window and saw one of the biggest oaks I've ever seen.

It was softly glowing, that had to be a good sign.

I was turning around and racing down the stairs before an almost knocked down the stairs Joe knew what hit him.

At least the nameless – which is what I'm calling them now – got smart and sent someone who doesn't piss me off with just their face to tag along with me.

So, I started talking, telling Joe that I saw Jon and the glowing tree and how we needed a sign of where to perform some spells and stuff so we could talk to Mae and if all hit the fan maybe call my dad to save the day.
Somehow I found the way through the darkened house, we found a back door. With my hand on the knob I looked at Joe silently asking if he was ready, he nodded I opened the door.

We didn't full out run but we didn't walk slowly either. As soon as we reached the tree, I started making a circle around the tree of salt, Joe did nothing but record me of course.

Then I placed one green, one blue, one red, one yellow and one purple candle at the base of the tree, several smaller white candles inside the circle I placed 7 small crystals inside the circle of candles.

"The green candle is for the earth, I'm placing it facing north, the blue one is for water I'm placing it facing south, red is for fire it goes to the east, yellow is for wind, it goes to the west. Finally, the purple is for the spirit, it goes in the center of the circle. The salt circle is for protecting us and the circle from unwanted spirits. The white candles are for protection to keep unwanted souls out of our circle. The crystals are for power enhancement, make my summoning stronger, they are also be used to bind spirits to that circle."

I'm pretty proud that I remember to explain everything; as I was doing it, to Joe and our future viewers. I was also proud that I remember everything, I was a little surprised at how natural this felt.

I let my instincts take over once again. I reached into my bag grabbing a grill lighter and a bundle of sage I headed to the earth candle, lighting it I started my speech, er chant.

"I call forth the elements, starting with you Mother Earth allow us to borrow some of your power, I promise to return it." Placing the candle back on the ground, I moved onto the red one.

"Fire, The Misunderstood, you are both destruction and healing, I call upon you to help burn all past bridges, and help us cleanse these lands." I moved to the blue candle.
"Water, Nurturer of all life I call upon you, nothing stands in your way, please allow us to borrow some of your strength." I walk to the yellow candle
"Wind, Lover of the Heavens, grant us a change in course." As I approached the purple, I started speaking
"Finally, I call upon you Spirit, Protector of the Dead and the Veil between worlds, I ask you, no beg you to guide Mae safely through the Veil and to us. Blessed Be." I started back to my earth candle, lighting the sage I started to light the white candles.
"Gods and Goddesses alike, please be watchful of us tonight. Protect us from evil and guide us to the one we want." I repeated that over and over again, urging Joe to join to my surprise he did.

When I light the final candle I added Blessed Be to the end. I walked back to my bag which was just outside the candle circle but still safely inside the salt circle, Joe was following my every move.

I reached into my bag and grabbed a bowl I placed it right beside the spirit candle. I placed the burning sage in the bowl turned to Joe.

"The sage is another protection it cleanses the area, good thing to do before any spell."
I walked to the salt circle between the north candle and the east and created a small gap in the circle.

"Why are you doing that?" asked Joe.

"Because if I don't no spirit will be able to enter our circle, once we have who we want we must close this gap."
I handed Joe the salt bag he nodded, Joe and I turn and face the tree which was at the center of our circles. I don't know which one gasped louder, truth be told.

I was stunned to see the tree and the entire circle was glowing, brightly. What was earlier a soft white was now a bright blue, I have never seen anything like this before.
"Joe we are going to need to hold hands for this." He handed me his camcorder, and pulled his backpack off his back and produced a collapsible tripod.

He took his camcorder back and walked awkwardly, to a place he could capture everything that was going on. Once he had everything ready and had joined me, I was ready to begin I clasped Joe's free hand.
"Calling upon Mae, mother and lover tortured and imprisoned by yourself, I call you to me into the safety of my circles. Hear my calls and make yourself known." There was a faint screamed from inside the house, Joe jerked as to go find out what had happened but I held onto him I needed his energy.
"Joe, I need you to say it with me this time." He nodded

"Calling upon Mae, mother and lover tortured and imprisoned by yourself, I call you to me into the safety of my circles. Hear my calls and make yourself known." Nothing but an even louder more tortured scream, it sounded closer than the first one.

"Mae mother and lover, I call upon you to free you from the prison you have built for yourself and your child, I demand that you come to my circles at once!" With a scream of pure rage and hate Mae appeared in our circle, Joe good on his word as soon as he saw her, he filled the gap in the salt circle.

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