I Miss You, Asshole. - Hidden Pleasure.

Start from the beginning

"Will we ever kiss the same way?" He asked sullenly.

"Not if you keep smoking." I replied. I didn't say it in a warning way, I was pretty much saying, 'How can I kiss you with the taste of cigarettes on your mouth?' 

We share a look as to show we're both staying together after this disaster.

"I promise to get better." He croaked, keeping eye contact.

"Good." I wanted to kiss him again, but we both had morning breath. "Now let's go brush our teeth!"

The day goes on to be normal. We brush are teeth and rid the bad stench with gum. We cook each other's breakfast and feed the other their cooking (Logan is a better cook if you're wondering). And before I leave, Logan treats my piercings with care and tell me the proper way to take care of it.

After I left, I realized I truly loved Logan.

It hit me on the car ride home.

Logan was smacking his gum, one hand on the wheel and one on my knee, and humming to the radio. We stopped right outside my house and he grazes my hand lightly.

"Hazel, thank you," He said in his most sincere voice.

Happy tears threaten to spill over, but I blinked them back. "You're welcome."

He kisses my lips with as much passion as he can muster. I'm left in a daze and stumble out of the car.

"Don't hurt yourself, babe." He chuckled. I salute him before running to my front door.

I unlock the door, close it behind me, run up to my room, and scream into my pillow. If Logan were to die today... my stomach pained at the thought. No, I loved him too much for that.

I believe it was love at first sight in Home Depot. The way his eyes were so green and roamed me like I was the most gorgeous thing he's laid eyes on. The fact that he has to touch me in some way. And the way I can't resist kissing him no matter the situation.

I sigh in happiness. I was in total bliss, despite the death stick situation.

After admiring everything I loved about Logan, I feel in the mood to walk. 

I take a much needed shower, change into something warm, and leave my house once again. Lately, I can't sit still.

"Where are you going?" Carly asked, eying her skinny jeans on me.

"Gonna take a walk." I grab my phone and leave before Carly realizes that I'm wearing her jeans.

It's not like she can fit them anyway. Sure, she was skinny but I was skinnier and could fit into the jeans. They may be a bit wide, but that's what belts are made for.

As I walk outside, you could tell it got colder.

The wind was biting at the trees and tugging at the leaves. I grinned widely. My birthday was just around the corner.


I turn in the opposite direction and meet Quinn's gaze. He's wearing all black with a black beanie to cover his black hair.

"Hey Quinn." I smile.

I sense a feeling of awkwardness as he stops in front me. He bites his lip and says, "How are you?"

I laugh. "Why are you acting so nervous?" I nudge his shoulder.

He stays put and smiles. "Sorry I'm being weird, what's up?"

"I was gonna walk around. Wanna join me?"

"You and walking," He replied.

I stuff my hands in my coat pocket. "And?"

"Nothing," He chuckles.

Overall, walking with Quinn was relieving. Other than cuddling with Logan, Quinn was a big stress reliever. I could wind down and talk my heart out to him, and he'd listen.

It was vice versa. Quinn would vent about how awful it is being an only child and why he begs people to come over, but they don't see why.

"If you ever get lonely, call me." 


"Why not?" I brush stray strands of hair away from my face. Curse the blowing wind!

"Well, you're with Logan."


It goes silent for a split second. It was kind of an awkward predicament. Why did people make such a big deal of me and Logan? Couldn't two people date without complication?

"Nothing, it's that someone said something to me earlier and..." He trails off and presses his lips together.

"And what?" I honestly wanted to know what the big deal was.

"It's Aiden." He pauses for a reaction.

I give him nothing but a concentrated look. God forbid Aiden ever coming back into my life, please.

"He's really torn up about you and Logan. He likes you, Hazel. Ever since you showed up, he can't keep his mouth shut about you. When you came over, he was absolutely ecstatic. And then all of a sudden Logan swoops down and you guys are together. He's really heart broken."

Quinn stays silent as this information sinks in.

I feel... like a bitch. All those times Aiden smiled at me, passed me notes, and was just nice in general to me were because he had feelings for me. 

My thoughts flash back to the water fall date we had while holding hands in the grass. And then they shift to eating ice cream in Quinn's kitchen. And finally, the moments it became awkward for me.


I had Logan and I loved Logan. If Aiden would've spoken up, we'd probably be dating. Actually no, because I had eyes for Logan since the beginning. Aiden was just a cute distant memory.

"What are you thinking?"

My eyes snap up to meet gray eyes, large and wondering. Quinn was biting his lip and itching the back of his head.

"I'm thinking Aiden fell for the wrong girl."

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