Homecoming Pt 2

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Henry's POV

I spotted the grotesque bitch from across the room, I made my way over to her. And made my presence very known. "Aye bitch!" She snapped her head around with an attitude. "What do you- oh hi Henry" she said trying to flirt. Fail. "Shut up." I pushed her against the gym wall and trapped her in so she couldn't get away. "Henry, if you wanna do this I mean we can take it out to my daddy's car" "I'm not here for that bitch, I wouldn't sleep with you if you were the last girl on earth" she started to speak again, "hen-" "you listen and you listen good, because of you, I messed up, I almost lost two good friends because of you, all for what? A couple bucks, pack of cigs, and your skank ass? But let's get straight to the point. You're gonna take your name out of the vote box, and you're going to replace it with Emily's, mkay?"

Her faced dropped, "why would I do that bowers?" "Because if you don't, well you wouldn't look to good with a bloody gash down your face now would you?" "But that could take all night! And the votes are in, its locked up in the newspaper editors room" "aren't you in that club? You have a spare key, now go do it, I don't care how long it takes. And if you have any objections, well I'll just cut you right here, right now" "fine whatever just let me go!" She yelled. "I'm coming with you so you don't try anything." I said dragging her out the gym.

Emily's POV

"I wonder what that was about?" I looked confused at Patrick. "Um I don't know, maybe Henry has a thing for Gretta?" He laughed, "probably" I giggled back. A few minutes later Henry and Gretta walk back in the gym, Henry had a grin spread across his face. And as for Gretta, she looked like she had just saw a ghost. Henry made his way over to us, "good luck Emily" he said as he patted my shoulder. "Um thanks but I probably won't win", "I don't know, I think you have a pretty good chance" he smirked.

  The principal walked up on the stage, "excuse me, excuse me. HEY BE QUIET!" The room fell silent, "thank you, it is now time to announce the homecoming queen and king, but first we shall announce the the prince and princess, okay let's see here, this years prince is.... Bill Denbrough? Did I say it right?" Bill's eyes went wide, as his stutter became extremely bad "um y-y-yes, th-that's correct"  everyone was silent as he nervously walked up to the stage, "how?" Henry asked. "Anything can happen Henry" I spoke. "And our princess is Beverly Marsh" "wait what?" She said confused, as she walked past me I whispered to her "congrats Bev!" She smiled sheepishly.

As Bev went up on stage there were boos from Gretta and her clique, "slut!" Gretta called out. Little did she know I was standing right behind her, "watch it Gretta" I spoke, she turned and saw Patrick, Henry, and I. She scoffed and turned back around, "don't worry her babe" Patrick said kissing the top of my head, "yeah, you can stomp her ass a second time after you win" Henry joked. It's so nice that we're all friends again. Granted, Henry is a grade A pain in the ass, not to mention the biggest dick wad ever, but he's a good friend when he's not trying to get in my pants.

"GO BEV AND BILL!" Richie screamed. No one else said anything but all the losers started to clap which I gladly joined. "Okay settle down, now it's time to announce the king and queen" the principal said getting annoyed. For some reason I actually felt nervous. I've always hated anything like this, everyone always saw me as "that one scary chick" but as we stood there waiting for anyone's name to be announced, I got really anxious, my stomach was in a knot, my hands were shaky. Without realizing, I reach over and grabbed Patrick's hand. He squeezed my hand getting my attention, "hey don't be nervous, I know you'll win" he smiled. "Yeah, if I do win I'll somehow make a fool out of myself" I said looking down at my feet. "Hey, look at me, don't worry about all these other fuckers, if they say anything, I'll burn this place down" "yeah right" I laughed, but I quickly stopped and looked at Patrick.

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