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Patrick's POV

I woke up Friday morning to the sound of and alarm, not my alarm, and not in my room. I looked around and realized I had slept over at Emily's. Everything from yesterday started flooding back in my mind. Bowers. That fucker, he's dead. I rolled over to see my Emily stretching and opening her beautiful blue eyes. "Hey" she looked up at me and smiled, "Good morning princess" I kissed her forehead and moved some hair out of her face. "So I was thinking today we just avoid Henry at all costs?" "Sure" I nodded.

She got up and went to her bathroom, I heard her shower turn on, while she showered I saw her cigarettes lying in her table. I grabbed one and the lighter I gave her, lit it and took a long drag off. I lied there thinking of Emily, how I'd do anything to protect her. I know I've done bad things in the past, and I'll probably do more, but I want her by my side no matter what. I decided I'd get up and get dressed, I just threw my pants on when Emily came out of her bathroom in nothing but a towel. Holy fuck let me tell you, this girl has me weak, her skin was still wet and was glistening, she had curves like you wouldn't believe. She was perfect in every single way. I couldn't help but stare at her, I know my jaw was open wide, her face was beet red, "what?" She giggled nervously, "uh, um, nothing, you're just so beautiful" now my face was red, she was staring at me too, probably cause I didn't have a shirt on, both of of our faces got even redder if even possible, "okay, well I'm gonna get ready" She said with an embarrassed grin, "yeah okay, good" I couldn't even find words to say. Fuck, she's got me feeling all kinds of emotions I've never felt before, but around her I don't care, I'm in love with her. Wait? I love her? Yes I do love her.

I watched her every move as she got ready, her sitting in her towel doing her makeup. "You don't need makeup, you're already gorgeous" I walked over to her kissing the top of her head, she pushed me away playfully. When she was done she got up and walked to her closet grabbing some black shorts and a white shirt, along with her underwear. "Um, don't-don't look" "oh sorry" I turned around. Soon as I heard her towel dropped I turned around a bit, she had her back turned towards me and all I saw was the outline of everything and her butt. She has a nice ass, very round and perky.

I felt my cheeks getting red and I turned away. "Okay I'm ready, do I look okay?" She asked me, "you look perfect" a huge smile spread across her face, "you ready to go?" She spoke again. "For what?" "School, duh" "oh well I had a better plan, we're not going to school today" "we're not? Where are we going then?" "Whatever you want to do" I said caressing her cheek.

She thought for a moment, "how bout we go tux shopping?" She grinned. "Oh yeah still need to do that I guess" I said rubbing the back of my neck. "Then let's go!" She grabbed my hand and we went out the door.


Emily's POV

"Emily, I don't know I look stupid" Patrick yelled behind the door "just come out let me see" he stepped out and his face was embarrassed and full of hate, "no, I hate this one, it's too frilly, and it's hot, and really itchy, and it too tight around my dick" I burst out laughing he looked absolutely ridiculous, just for the hell of it I made him try on a baby blue frilly tux, it was very high waisted and the pants legs were really short. "Stop laughing!" He scolded, I laughed even harder then stopped "nerd" "I am not!" "I know, I know" then he sighed "Emily none of these are good enough". I walked away "where are you going?" "Hold on I'm gonna go look for another one".

I looked around the store until I found the perfect slim fitted black tux. I took it to him, "try this on" he took it in and yelled from behind the door, "I think we have a winner" I smiled "step out let me see" "nope it's a surprise" "awe come on Pat" "sorry sweetheart, gotta wait until homecoming" I sighed "Okay" he came out in his clothes and kissed the top of my head. He gave the tux to the lady over the counter, she took his measurements so it would be a perfect fit, she told him to come back Sunday.

So Patrick and I left, "where to next my dear?" "How about the animal shelter?" I answered, "hm, I guess, but why there?" He questioned, "well I like looking at all the kitties and dogs" "then we'll go look at kitties and dogs" he said cheerfully mocking me. He took my hand and we walked to Derry Animal Rescue Shelter, we looked around holding some kittens and playing with the cats, then we went to the puppies and played with them for a bit, we walked around to the dogs, there was one dog in particular, he was very aggressive to everyone who walked by. This dog was really, really mean, but I walked over to him and he calmed right down. "Oh miss I wouldn't get around hat dog he's evil, it's the breed, he's a Rottweiler" I stuck my hand threw the gate and he laid his head down in my hand. I scratched his chin and replied to the male worker, "nah, he just wants to be loved, he's misunderstood that's all", like myself and Patrick. This dog loved Patrick and I. I hated to leave him, but Patrick and I went to get ice cream.

"I liked that dog" I said eating my ice cream, "me too, you need a dog" "I'd love to, but my mom hates dogs" "oh well that sucks" "yeah I know" Patrick and I kept walked until we got to the Kissing Bridge. We stood and looked over the bridge and talked. We saw the losers club riding by on their bikes, indicating school is released. "Good luck with homecoming you two!" Ben yelled, "you guys are ahead by 48 votes so far!" Richie screamed, "thanks guys!" We yelled back to them. Then from under the bridge a few minutes later we heard Henry, Belch, and Vic tripping threw the water while Henry screamed at the two for letting some kid go. Patrick and I decided to walk off and he took me home. It was only 3:20 now and my mom was still not home. Patrick got his stuff and left because he said he needed to take care of some things. So I locked my doors and windows and sat in the living room watching tv until my mom comes home.


Patrick's POV

"Come on, buddy" I tugged the leash, I felt bad for Emily, and with everything going on she's going to need someone there to protect her when I'm not around. Even thought she said her mom HATES dogs, I went back for the one she liked earlier. I walked up to Emily's door and knocked, I heard her footsteps as she got closer, to give her warning and not be afraid it's gonna be bowers I yelled, "Em, it's Patrick! I got something for you!" She quickly opened the door. "Surprise!" "Oh my god!" The dog jumped up on her licking her, "you got him?! Patrick I can't believe you got the dog!" "Actually I got him for you" her face lit up, "oh my god really?! For me?! He's mine?!" She squealed "Yep all yours!" I smiled pecking her lips. I stepped inside shutting the door as Emily played with the dog. She ran up to me hugging me, "thank you, thank you, thank you!!!" "Anything for you princess" I wrapped her in my arms and kissed her passionately. Then we heard a car door.

Emily looked out he window to see her mom walking up to the drive way. "Well I guess you'll get to meet my mom" shit. "Em, sweetie I'm home" her mom spoke as she opened the door. "Hi mom" Emily went to her hugging her, "oh sweetie, you smell like a dog and cigarettes" cigarettes being from me. "Mom this is Patrick" "oh my goodness how rude of me! Hello Patrick, you must be Emily's boyfriend!" She embraced me in a loving hug. "Mom!" Emily yelled "what sweetie that's what you told me" "MOM BE QUIET!!" She blurted out. She said I was her boyfriend? "Yeah I'm her boyfriend" I smiled and Emily's face went red when she smiled.

"Sweetheart what's that wet dog smell?" Her Mom scrunched her nose up, "oh well I got a dog" she whistles for him to come to her. "You did what?" The dog came trotting through and jumped up on her mom. "Sweetie I told you no dogs" "yeah I know mom but-" "no Em we can't" I chimed in "mrs Fisher I'm sorry, the dog is my fault, Emily saw him earlier and I saw how happy it made her so I got him for her." "Oh, well, I guess he can stay then since it's a present, what's his name?" "Uh i think I'll call him Tex" "hm okay" her mom replied. "Well sweetie I'll let you spend time with Patrick and Tex, we'll go dress shopping tomorrow morning." "Okay sounds good" Emily answered.

She nodded signaling let's go upstairs. I followed behind her, Tex right behind me. I put a movie in and she looked up at me when I lied back down. "Thank you so much Patrick" "it's not problem babe" "so since you told my mom you're my boyfriend? Does that make us a thing now?" "Well only if you want to be my girlfriend?" "I'd love to" I bent down kissing her and we watched movies the rest of He night until we both fell asleep.


A/N– I'm so sorry if this sucked, and sorry it's took me so long to update, I've been feeling under the weather and I've had writers block. But here's the next chapter. Hope you guys enjoy, don't forget to vote, and comment your thoughts, and thank you guys so much for reading, I think this story has over 6K reads and that's absolutely amazing and all thanks to you guys. You guys are what keep me going and why I keep writing! Thanks so much! Ily guys! Stay groovy🖤

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