Break In

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Emily's POV

  It was now Thursday, my mother came home last night and I told her about homecoming. I never said how or why, but it didn't matter she was so excited enough for the both of us. Today she was taking me dress shopping after school. But first me and Patrick had some business to take care of. I got my ass up and got ready for school. I ent downstairs to find my mom had made breakfast. "Good morning sweetie! Hungry?" "Not really" I replied shaking my head, but she wasn't having no for an answer. "You have to eat sweetie, hear I'll make a breakfast burrito for you and you can just eat it in the way to school" "alright" "so I was thinking we'd go to a few places this evening, in case you find a better dress at one of the other places" "Okay" "you don't sound excited" she said looking up at me "huh? Oh yeah I am, I just have some stuff at school to worry about" "are you in trouble? Emily is something going on down there, I swear to god I'll go off on them fuckers if they-" "mom no, everything's fine, I just uh, um I have an exam today" she bought it all too easily. "Oh okay well good luck honey" "oh shoot I gotta go mom, I want to study before, gotta get that A" "bye sweetie" she said handing me my food "bye" I grabbed it and ran out the door.

  I got to school about 20 minutes earlier than usual, very few people are here at this time, so it was perfect. Patrick was already waiting for me, "you ready? Gretta and Henry aren't here yet so we have plenty of time." "Yeah what do you have there?" I pointed to the buckets he had in each hand. "Well one of these is going in Henry's locker, and the other Gretta's." "What's in them?" "Well they're a bit different, for the bitch we have blood-" I cut him off "where did you get blood at?" "Nvm that... dead animals..." "oh so you killed them?" "Okay yeah I killed a rat, a turtle, and my neighbors cat for it but that's besides the point" "why is it in a balloon? It looks chunky" "I threw in a few guts and stuff" I looked at him with a grossed out face but shook it off. "The balloon is so that when she opens her locker it'll pop on a nail and explode in her face" "Okay we rig it up, and what about for Henry? Cause whatever you got in that bucket looks disgusting and smells" he grinned "well for the mullet wearing asshole, we have a little concoction mixed up, crushed up bugs, vomit, cat shit, and bits and pieces of what I didn't use for the other" "Okay, ew, and how do we do it?" I questioned "Well we set it up, with the bucket slightly tilted and when he opens his locker it'll rain down on him like a disgusting waterfall" " Alright lets do it"

   "Okay we'll start with Gretta, I have a couple nails and I'll let you rig them, but first get into her locker" I'm pretty good at picking locks so I took a bobby pin I had in my hair and easily picked it. He handed me the nails and I fixed them perfectly, Patrick put the balloon with blood in there and we shut the locker carefully, and it looked as if nothing happened. Next we picked Henry's locker, Patrick put the bucket in it tilted, and when Henry opens in it'll pour all over him. After we finished we waited, I brought my Polaroid so I could get a snap of the result.

First Gretta showed up, she stood at her locker talking to her bitch ass friends, we watched her as she talked about homecoming. She looked over at us and smirked, really showing that crooked ass nose I gave her. I rolled my eyes, and thought you're gonna get it bitch. A few minutes later she opened her locker, I was ready with my camera, soon as it opens it pops and splattered all over her and her friends. I snapped a photo and handed it to Patrick so he could shake it dry, I snapped another because her jaw was wide open and it was all in her mouth. "B-E-A-utiful!" I yelled. Patrick laughing his ass off. "You're gonna get expelled for this!" She screamed, "oh no I'm not sweetheart, because if you even think about saying anything, I'll make sure you won't ever speak again, and if you do, Patrick here will make sure your body will never be found, kay?" You could see her frightened face under all the blood, "Hey! Are we clear?!" Patrick screamed in her face, she nodded frantically. After that she ran to the bathroom crying.

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