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Emily's POV

I turned back to Belch and Vic after I pushed Henry off the cliff, "thanks Vic but can you guys give us a minute?" They nodded and left. I looked at Patrick and immediately started apologizing, "Patrick I am so sorry I didn't believe you I didn't know-" "Emily, it's okay, I understand why you were upset." He said bringing me into a hug. I took in his scent, it was nice. His cologne mixed with a lingering cigarette gave off a musky scent.

"I just thought you were with her, and you'd forget about me" I sighed. "Never, how could I forget about you? I'd never hurt you on purpose okay?" He said cupping my face in his hands. "Why are you being nice?" I smiled "I'm a nice guy" he chuckled. "Yeah and I didn't just cut Henry" I laughed. "Okay sassy pants, I'm nice to you tho aren't I?" I thought for a second "hmmm, I guess" "I'm hurt" he said said sarcastically. I pushed him lightly.

"So besides hanging with these twats what have you been up to?" He asked. "Well first of all they found me, I was here by myself when the twerps showed up.... and I was drawing" his eyes widened, "drawing? I didn't know you could draw?" I poked his cheek, "you never asked" "well can I see?" " um I guess so" I went over to my sketchbook and handed it to him. He sat down flipping through each picture examining each detail.

He flipped to the next page, "is this me?" I nodded. "You drew me? Really?" A smile crept on his face. "Yeah, i don't know I was bored and you were across from me so yeah." " but you could've drew anyone else but chose me." He smirked. "Alright alright, don't get too full of yourself. I only draw things that are special to me." He froze, "I'm special to you?" "Yeah, I mean you get me you know, like I know we're both 'crazy' but when I met you I just kinda connected with you." I blushed. "I feel the same way." He smiled.

"So since we never got that date, how about tomorrow?" He said putting a hand on top of mine. "Sounds nice, what time?" "I'll be at your house by 4? Is that okay?" "It's perfect" I rested my head on his shoulder and we sat in silence for a few minutes. We looked at the time and it was getting close to curfew. "We should go" Patrick spoke. "Yeah, okay" I was pretty sad we had to end this evening. "I'll walk you home" I nodded.

  Patrick and I walked towards my house in silence, but it wasn't awkward it was a comfortable silence. We got to my front door and I put my key in the lock. "Why would you need to unlock your door?" He looked at me confused. "Well my mom is at work. I basically live by myself.... she works in New York." "Well that sucks, so you talk to her often? I bet it's lonely here by yourself." I looked down fiddling with my fingers, "yeah, she calls everyday, but it's not the same. It is lonely, especially when you have no friends to come over" Patrick lifted my face up, "you have me" I smiled up at him and he wrapped me in a warm embrace.

  I pulled apart from him, "would you like to come in? I can make dinner, and we can watch a movie." He smiled "I'd love to, but it's close to curfew." I frowned, "oh okay. Yeah you should probably get home." He grabbed my hands, "hey hey, don't be sad, you'll see me tomorrow. I'd stay a while if my mom wouldn't freak out, she does that a lot..." I giggled and looked at him, he was smiling back down at me. "Okay Mr. Hockstetter, you better get going then" "I'll see you tomorrow then princess..." he kissed my forehead before he left "goodnight, Emily" I waved at him "goodnight Patrick".

  I unlocked my door walking in and closing it behind me. I locked it back and leaned against it smiling and blushing. I like Patrick, but I don't know how he feels about me?

  I made something to eat and watched something on tv. I felt myself getting tired and looked at the time. It was only 8:40. But I decided to go to bed and get some rest before my date with Patrick tomorrow.

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