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Patrick's POV

So this week has been pretty good, I've spent a lot of time with my girl, got her a dog, done one thing I thought I'd never do, bought a tux FOR homecoming (two in one alone there). Two if you count not killing the dog, but Tex is cool so yeah. Also Bowers and I are good now. Weird he apologized, even though his dad made him, and that's literally the only reason he did, I mean I've known Henry all my life, and I know his dad broke his arm when he found out about breaking in Emily's house.

All these good things were happening to me for once. But here is the one night I've dreaded for two weeks. Homecoming. I can't believe I'm actually going through with this. Emily is lucky I love her. And I'm going to finally tell her that tonight.

I walked downstairs and my mom was already snapping photos. "Mom, Stop"
"Patrick just let me get a couple, this is something I have to remember" "why do you need to remember this?" "Because I never thought I'd ever see you going to homecoming, let alone in a tux" she glared as she pinned a red rose on my jacket.

  "I'm leaving now" I said as I walked out the door with a red rose corsage in my hand. The closer I got to Emily's the more nervous I got. Something about seeing her in a dress made me nervous, I've seen her in dresses before but this time is different. Tonight has to be the best night ever for her, and I don't want to screw it up, and I'm not going to let anyone else ruin it for her either.

  Before I knew it I was at Emily's house, I hesitantly knocked on her door, I stood there fidgeting with her rose. Her mom yelled from the other side of the door, "I got it!" the door flung open, "Hi Patrick honey! Oh my goodness you look so handsome! Come in, Emily will be down in a minute.... Emily sweetie, Patrick's here!" "Just a minute!" A couple minutes later after talking to Emily's mother, Emily came downstairs.

Soon as I saw her my jaw dropped, literally. "Wow, you look absolutely stunning" she giggled and met me with her soft red lipstick stained lips. "You look great yourself, I like what you done with your hair, and nice boutonnière" "nice what?" I confusingly asked, which she replied with a laugh. "The flower on your tux" "oh yeah, I got this for you" I slipped her corsage thingy on her wrist, "it's beautiful, thank you Patrick" "ready to go gorgeous?" "Yep, let's kick it" "WAIT! I need to get a picture!" Her mom screamed running to us from the kitchen. "Mom please" Emily groaned "oh you hush your mouth I'm taking a damn picture, smile!"

She snapped the photo and we went on our way. It's only a ten minute walk to the school, but I didn't want her to be tired before getting there. "Um do you want me to carry you?" She looked at me with weird face, "what?" "Do you want me to carry you? So your heels won't hurt" "that's sweet, but-" before she could finish I picked her up in my arms and carried her.

"Patrick, you don't have to carry me" I looked at her and smiled, "I know but I want to" "but why?" "Because you're a queen, and should be treated like one" "Well thank you, sweetie, but I'm not a queen. We don't even know if I'll win"

I put her down, cupped her face in my hands, and looked her in the eyes, "listen, you're a queen to me no matter what happens tonight, but we're gonna go in here, not give a shit what anyone says, and we're going to have a damn good time and if anyone starts running their mouth I'll deal with it" "thanks baby" I love when she calls me that, it sends a chill up my spine. "Let's get in there and show them what we're made of" I grabbed her hand and lead her into the school building.

  There were some stares and but I guess the dirty looks I have kept them from saying anything. "Patrick, I'm nervous" she stopped me and looked up at me with pleading eyes. "Don't worry princess I'm right here" I said kissing the top of her head.

  Just then a couple losers came up to us, "uh- Hi, we just wanted to let you guys know Gretta and the guy she's with got more votes cause she told everyone you slept with people for votes, and that you Patrick tried to pull out their um... teeth." Emily looked so pissed. "That's not true" "we know this but, she's caught up to you in votes, so now it's not clear who will win, but we're all hoping it's you" "thanks" I spoke to them as they walked away.

  "Well this is great... if I would've known this was going to happen I would've never bought this stupid dress" she said getting quite upset, "Hey, hey. Don't talk like that, you're the most beautiful girl here tonight, and Gretta isn't going to win" "how do you know that?" "Cause I have a plan" I said looking over to my boys.

  We walked over by the punch table, "Henry!" I yelled "what I didn't put nothing in the punch, holy shit I thought I looked stupid in this tux" "shut it, I don't care about the damn punch, I need your help with something" "what do you need man?" I explained everything to him, he looked over at Emily who was standing with Belch and Vic, he could see the depressed look on her face.

  "Don't worry, I'll take care of it" Henry said walking off. I stepped over to Emily, "everything is gonna be fine" she nodded and grabbed a cup of punch, "this punch tastes like shit" "Henry spiked it with vodka" "then in that cause it's good" I laughed and we walked over to the dance floor. "Shall we?" I held my hand out. "Sure, but I have to warn you I can't dance" I laughed nervously, "neither can I, but I think between the two of us we'll get it down" we started dancing and we both looked like idiots but we we're idiots together.

  If it wasn't for her I wouldn't even be dancing or here at homecoming. She's changed me, for the better. And I'm okay with it. We both stopped when we saw Henry walking up to Gretta and slamming her up against the gym wall.


A/n- ooh little cliff hanger, there will be a part two to this chapter. Anyways not much to say, hope you like it, vote and comment what you think. And thank you so much for reading and all the votes and support from you guys. Ily guys🖤🖤🖤

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