Chapter 5: Finally Finding Fate

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In the taxi, the time seemed to stop. She was staring out the window, looking at the trees that were covered in little and big Christmas lights. New York City had looked all day more special than usual. The air felt colder, but it also felt so much cleaner. She into the air and wasn't suprised that no clouds were covering the night sky. Uncountable little stars were shining, some brighter than others. Still, it made her feel so empowered. Seconds were passing by, slower than ever. The taxi-driver was driving too slow. Blair was completely lost in her thoughts when she heard her maid say: "Miss Blair, I don't think I ever met someone who loves you more than Mr. Chuck, I'm so happy for you!" Blair smiled and asked her with a lot of excitement: "You knew about this, didn't you? And Serena? And everyone else?" Before Dorota could answer, the taxi-driver stopped the car and told them they were arrived at their destination. "Don't ask me questions now. There's plenty of time left for that after this. Come on, don't let Mr. Chuck wait any longer". Blair stepped out of the taxi and waved. It was time. She stared up at the tall, magnificent building. The building that was the center of the skyline. The building with the love of her life on. The man who was waiting for her. For her love. 

She rushed to the elevator. Only a young couple and a mom with her son were with her in the elevator that brought her up to the 102th floor. She felt the air in her ears and around her shift as the elevator sped upwards. She looked down at herself and she adjusted the way her skirt was sitting. Blair took a large, deep breath. She never imagined that she would be standing here, she never thought after Paris, after the I don't love you anymore, after everything, that Chuck would ever like her again as a lover. But were they really lovers now? They were so much more than that. Soulmates, together by heart, by soul. The old Blair Waldorf would have said that she was a fool for love. Especially the love from Chuck Bass, the biggest womanizer, the biggest asshole she knew. The old Blair would have said that a woman couldn't be powerful if she gave her heart away. The new Blair knew better. Maybe all those stories her mother told her about boys and heartbreak were not always right. Her mother always told her that she had to follow her head, not her heart. But what was a woman without a heart? She knew Chuck loved her not because she was beautiful or had an amazing body. He loved her because she was as powerful, maybe even more powerful than himself and because she wasn't afraid of his love. The old Chuck would have said that he didn't love girls. But unconscious, he still loved. And for the world he might have been the womanizer, the man with no heart. But she knew Chuck Bass was a romantic, a hopeless lover. And the only thing that mattered, is that she knew it. 

The letter that he had left on the stage at Victrola was not just his declaration of love for her, it was the thing that kept him alive. After he was shot and was laying on the dirty pavement of the dangerous boroughs of Prague, he thought about her. Only about her. Her smile, her laugh, her touch, her lips. All the memories that were laying underneath the surface of his heart, all the memories that he hid all summer from everybody, came back like birds fly back home after the winter was over. The moment he felt his heartbeat going down in speed, he promised himself that he would write one day a letter to Blair.  All the months with Eva were long in the past, long forgotten. It had been nice, but then he realized only his mind was loving her, not his heart. 

The elevator was still going upwards. The mom with her son were laughing at each other and the little boy, turned to look at Blair. She smiled back. Her happiness was so visible on her face and the hope and the love in the small lift was detectable by even the most cold-hearted person in the world. The young couple were holding hands and waiting anxiously on the elevator to reach the final destination. Blair put her mid-length beautiful brown curled hair behind her ears as she looked at her watch. It was 11.57 p.m. Almost midnight. Almost the 31th of december. The last day of the year would become the best. The year had been with a lot of up and downs, a lot of heartbreak and a lot of love. A lot of suprises and confusion, a lot of hate and loyalty. Her cell-phone rang. She didn't even look at it. Nothing was as important as this. 

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