Chapter five- Truths and Apologies

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"I'm so sorry I wasn't here for you all the time...I'm sorry you went through so much without me noticing a bit of it....I'm sorry for not being a good father..."

" No've been the best father ever. And all's the past's all forgotten..." I said smiling at him.

We then spoke for a while. He told me about his life, his struggles when he was a teenager. He told me about how hard a soldiers life is.

You know Halima..."he started. "This world, is a short place. I've been to so many places, I've met so many people, I've earned respect in the society. As a solider, I've received respect everywhere I go. I have a very hot temper Halima, and everyone knows that. No one wants to get into my bad side." He said and I nodded

I looked over at his pointed nose as he spoke." I can see that trait of my anger in you Halima, and that makes me really sad. Whenever I'm angry, I don't think before acting, and that, actually cost me a lot. I've seen how you act when you're angry and it's like I am seeing a mirror of myself."

It's true I get angry easily. Very easily. I can't control myself when I'm angry. I speak anything and my palms tend to act on their own accord.

"Halima...learn to control your anger. Learn to keep it all in. Learn to love, not to hate" he said looking directly at me.

"Conceal it with a smile...and everything will be fine" he said in a nonchalant manner. "And when it's too hard to conceal, then let it go.."

I nodded and smiled at him, silently promising myself that I will never let my anger take over my actions again.

He was silent for a while and I stood up to leave but he stopped me.

"Your mother died of tumor" he said, his eyes teary. But he managed not to cry in front of me. "Brain tumor" he added and I felt my world spin. I opened my mouth to speak but no words could come out. I stared blankly at the wall.

"She fought for a year before her body failed" he said and this time, I saw the tears.

The heavy drops of tears on a fearless soldiers eyes?

"When she passed away, I had no zest to live anymore...I couldn't live in this very house again, every where was filled with memories, of her. So I tried to erase some memories by traveling, I tried to forget her. I traveled so far, but I couldn't remove her from my thoughts. She still lives right here" he said pointing to his chest, but he just shook his head as if he remembered who he was telling.

I also couldn't control the tears that fell on my cheeks. I suddenly had a vivid memory of her. Fair skin, very long silky black hair, silver eyes and round face with dimples at both sides. Most of all, her beautiful smile showing her white dentition.

I sobbed hard. Even though I knew her for just six years of my life, she was the best mother ever. I still feel the pain, the same one I felt when she died. When she held my hands and breath her last.

"Halima...My child...I..I love you so much. May Allah bless you. May you have the best in the world and in the hereafter...Halima...Hali..." And with that, she closed her eyes, never to be opened again.  Six year old Halima couldn't comprehend what just happened. She kept asking people to stop crying as he mother was sleeping, they should let her rest, in peace.

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