"Tell me" Kongpob insisted and leaned back, stopping touching at his boyfriend completely.
"Tell you what?" Older man's head felt blurry and he had to struggle to put two thoughts together while his lover's hands and lips started again caressing at him on the bink of insanity.

"Where you want me to touch?"
Question he made and tone that Kong had used went straight into older man's groin.
"Why are you asking me that? You know very well where" Arthit had got aroused as hell but at the same time he felt slightly embarrassed because of it.

"Oh no P'Arthit. This doesn't work that way. If you want me to touch you some particular place, you have to tell me where you want me to touch"
"Fine. Down there" Arthit gave up blushing hardly.
His penis felt like it was going to explode if Kongpob wouldn't soon touch it and relieve that pulsating pressure.

"Here?" Kongpob asked deviously and brushed his fingers over curve of older man's ribs.
"No. Lower" Arthit shook his head.
"How about here then?" Taller man moved his hands to Arthit's well build, hard abs.
"It must be here then" younger man grinned and Arthit's back arched when his hands touched at his lovers hipbones while junior was sucking at his jugular, leaving there pale red mark.
"Goddammit Kongpob! You know damn well what I meant! Now grab my dick or I  swear god I'll turn the tables and pound you so hard that you can't even stand straight tomorrow!"
"I see you aren't that worried about my arm anymore" Kong grinned.
"Haven't seem to slow you down at all" older man muttered but let out a loud moan when his lover finally wrapped his good hand around Arthit's throbbing meat.


"Hey! Are you two sleeping? Why aren't you guys saying anything?" Bright slurred and whirled around to look at two man who walked side by side behind him.

"While you singing and making noise like that, how could you hear us even if we did?" Knot reasoned.
"Hn. Whatever. I'm not interested what you would have to say anyway. What I am interested is this little kitten right here. Come on, little buddy. Come to uncle Bright. Let's have a talk" Bright said and lunged himself towards Prayut and wrapped his other arm around younger man's shoulders.

Prayut once again freezed immediately.
He still wasn't used to this groups habit to constantly touch each others.
"What is it P'Bright? What do you want to talk about?" He asked nervously trying to make older man let go of him without that he would notice.
"Hey, do I make you feel uncomfortable?"
"Uh, no. Not at all" Prayut lied because he figured it would be rude to tell him otherwise.

"Why are you so tense then?" Older man frowned.
"I'm not. I'm not tense. Just...little nervous"
"Little nervous my ass. You're stiff like someone had thrusted a pole into your throat through your ass. Just relax."

Bright didn't like that panicky look that had creeped it's way into younger  man's eyes right at the moment that his fingers had made contact against his skin.
Also the way he always freezed made his stomach churn.
Goddammit those parents of this young fellow.
They really had scarred at him deeply.

"Oh fuck this shit!" Bright growled and before anyone could do anything, he moved his body a little and kissed Prayut right to his full lips.
Freshman's eyes grew so big that they almost swallowed his whole face.
His fingers sinked into older man's shoulders and he forgot to breath.
All noises seemed to fade away and only thing that Prayut was aware at the moment, was Bright's soft lips agains his own and older man's alcohol filled breath that hit against his face.

Suddenly Bright felt strong yank from his waist when someone lifted him up and away from the junior.
His feets had just touched at the ground again when he felt throbbing pain on his jaw where big fist had just landed a punch but he managed to stay up.
"What the hell was that?" Asked angry voice.
Bright shook his head a little to get rid of all those stars that punch had made him see and turned his gaze to his very big, and right now very angry looking friend.

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