Chapter 9

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"Do you think Bright might actually have slightly crush on you?" Arthit asked thoughtfully as he and Kong prepared their bed for sleep.
"Is that what has been bothering at  you since we came back? Are you jealous?" Kongpob said while he fluffed his pillow after changing the pillowcase.
"No! Well, kind of" older man admitted shrugging.
Kongpob concentrated for changing his bedsheets for a moment, gathering his thoughts before he spoke.

"If he had, what would you do? Would you let him have me?"
"Hell no! Bright can go and find his own man!" Arthit answered starkly and stepped behind his lover, wounding his arms around him, holding him tight.
He pressed his face against nape of taller man's neck and breathed Kongpob's familiar scent.
"I already gave you my gear and I have bought ring to your finger. I told you, didn't I? You're stuck with me."

"In that case, whether he likes me or not, it doesn't matter. I also told you already, you can't get rid of me. Even if I died, I would just come back and haunt you" younger man's voice was gentle and it's vibrations caressed Arthit's ears.
Arthit loved it when his boyfriend talked with this tone.
It felt like his voice were mating with Arthit's eardrums.

Kongpob turned around in Arthit's embrace and his lips found easily their doublets.
"If you really want to hear my opinion about this matter thought, I would say no. I don't think he has now or never had any romantic feelings towards me. He was just drunk, bored and probably in need for carnal addition of being just plain old Bright of course. You guys have already been friends for years now. What makes you suddenly feel uncertain about his yapping?"
"Well, he told me earlier today that he was imagining you as an moaning mess" Arthit pouted, pursing his lower lip the way that always went straight to his boyfriend's groin.

Surely enough, Kong got instantly  turned on because of that down turned lip.
"He did, huh? How about I give him a chance to imagine you as an moaning mess too tomorrow, so he can get image of me out of his head? You're far more sexy that way than I am" Kongpob said voice husky.
"No thanks. I definitely don't want that asshole think about me that way. And you don't want that either."

"As you wish. We can keep that picture about you just between two of us. But seriously P'Arthit, you have way too much clothes on. Don't you feel uncomfortable? It's so hot in here"
"No. I feel perfectly fine. You can go and adjust AC if you're feeling hot" older man teased while slipping his hands under his boyfriends shirt.

"Let me -ah- let me ask you something" Arthit chuckled as Kong started to nibble at his neck and he tilted his head slightly, giving his lover more room for work with his magic.
"Okay, but can you please make it quick?"
That made older man laugh aloud.
"Do you ever think anything else than how to get me to take my clothes off in front of you?"
"Not if I can avoid it" Kongpob stated against Arthit's neck while starting to remove his lovers shirt.

"Are we done talking now? Can I continue seducing at you?"
"You're seducing at me?" Older man snorted amusedly.
"Of course. What else?"
"Oh no, don't mind at me. Just keep going"
"I would like to but you just wont shut up" Kongpob frowned and withdraweth little so they could look at each others faces.

"Okay okay, I'll shut up now. Please continue"
Kongpob didn't waist any time.
He picked his lover up with his healthy arm and laid him on his half made bed.

He slided his hands along Arthit's naked upper body.
He felt how older man's muscles quivered under his touch.
Arthit moaned passionately as Kong's teeths and tongue found one of his pink hardened nipples.

"Kongpob, hurry up"
"What's the rush baby? Let me adore your body a little first"
"It's starting to hurt"
"What? You know..."
"What the hell Kongpob? This is not right time for playing dumb" Arthit frowned frustratedly.

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