Chapter 2

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Like always, next morning was payback time for Arthit.

As if that itself wouldn't had been bad enough, but right now there was no way in hell that his friends wouldn't be able easily tell exactly what had been happening between him and his boyfriend behind closed doors just day before.

Not now when his neck AND his chest looked like half of the vampires from Twilight saga had been came out from their fiction world and visited at him to relieve their hunger.
And because things were like that, trying to cover up those hickeys wasn't an option either.
It would had drawn even more unwanted attention to have dressing tied around his neck.

He seriously couldn't understand why exactly his boyfriend enjoyed it so much when he left these marks on him.
They looked ugly.

Arthit had started to think that he must had been crazy to initiate anything with that horny bastard knowing at his boyfriend.
He should had knew that Kongpob  just couldn't go easy with him.
Not when he had himself pushed his buttons first.


As he reached next to the classroom, he halted for a moment and released a big sigh, trying to prepare himself to face those idiots he called his friends.
He took deep breath, encouraged himself to move on and walked inside...

"Hey Arthit! What do you have on your neck?" Always so perspicacious Bright asked as soon as Arthit arrived inside the room.
"Fighting scars" Arthit growled glaring at his friends pissedly as he put his school bag on his desk while he sat down.
Pretty carefully too, as his observing friends noted.

"I guess 0062 won that round then. You should tell him not to hammer you so roughly" Bright continued without caring his friends obviously foul mood.
"Eat shit and die! Besides, who said it's Kongpob who tops?"
"Pfft...Come on Arthit. Do you think I was born just yesterday? It's Kongpob we're talking about. Not some damsel in distress."

Even though his friend had a point, it didn't mean he wouldn't argue.

"I swear that I'll shove my foot into your ass if you won't shut up immediatelly" shorter man warned so pissedly that Bright actually expected to see smoke coming out from his nostrils.
Yet, he couldn't resist at the temptation for tease Arthit some more.

"Arthit, Arthit, Arthit. Not everyone of us have a habit to put weird things into our asses" Bright uttered rather bravely before he dashed out from the classroom before Arthit could get his hands on him.

"You can't run from me forever you asshole!" Arthit shouted after him.
"I know I can't, but I'm going to do so as long as I can! I have fond of breathing, you see!" Came Bright's answer somewhere from the corridor.

No one in the room didn't dare to speak for a while.
Of course that still didn't mean that there wasn't anyone who tried their best to hold back their laughter.
Not that anyone mean it any ill mannered way.
Those five just were beyond the hilarious.

That cranky guy's and 2nd year moon's relationship wasn't any secret at their campus.
Hell, Arthit had himself announced it to everyone at the Thank You Party last year.

"Could you guys please remind me why I am friends with you idiots?" Arthit sighed looking at his three other friends.
"Because we're awesome!" Toota said immediatelly and high fived with Prem who sat next to him guffawing amusedly.
"Like hell you are! You guys suck!" Arthit complained even though he had hard time to keep himself from grinning.

These guys brought so much joy and amusement into his life that he was ready to forgive to them that they were such an assholes.
Even to Ai Bright.
He would miss them all after they graduated.

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