Chapter 4

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It was finally at lunch break and Arthit and his gang waited at Kongpob in cafeteria.
"Oh, you're already here P'" said familiar voice and Arthit turned his head to look at his boyfriend's handsome face.
"I started to think that you wouldn't be coming after all" Arthit said casually faking some irritation into his voice.
"I would never skip time I can spend with you."
"Hn. I knew you would say that."
Kongpob snickered at that and was about to walk past of Arthit so he could take empty seat in front of him but Arthit stopped him by grabbing him from his wrist.
"No. Sit here" he said pointing seat next to him.
Kongpob's eyebrows raised up for that but he obeyed without saying a word.

'Something is not right' Kongpob thought.
His boyfriend was acting weird.
Not only that he had asked him to sit next to him in public, he also didn't had complained at all when Kongpob had decided to feed him.
He had just opened his mouth and accepted food he was offered to.
And as if that hadn't been unusual enough, there was also something more.
Arthit had even took his hand under the table to his own and laced their fingers together and was holding his hand!

Had he got heatstroke?
Was he been stung by a bee?
Kongpob had to ask.
He really needed to know.
He turned on his seat a little so he could look straight to his lover.

"P'Arthit. Tell me straight, do you have a cancer?"
"What?!" Arthit almost choked to his food because out of the blue question Kongpob had just asked.
"Do you have some other terminal illness? Are you going to die? Is that why you're acting so weird?" Kongpob continued and he looked worried for real.
"You have been watching too many dramas. No more TV for you" older man remarked shaking his head.
What the hell was this guy thinking about now?
Other seniors gaped at Kongpob in amazement.
That guy really seemed to have a creative mind.

"What is it then? You know you can tell me anything" Kongpob pleaded.
Arthit's friends thought that this was good time for them to leave so they bid their goodbyes and left.
"Actually I have something that I need to tell you" Arthit said scratching his head awkwardly.

"Oh god. Here it comes" Kongpob squeaked closing his eyes tight.
"What? What comes? You don't make any sense" senior said feeling little dizzy.
Why the hell it was so hard to figure out what was going on in his boyfriends head?

"You're going to break up with me, aren't you?" Younger man almost cried as he opened his eyes again and stared his boyfriend eyes full of anxiety.
"What?! No!" Arthit shouted eyes wide like Kongpob had just slapped at him across his face.

"You aren't? Are you sure?"
"Positive. Seriously Kongpob, what the hell is this?" Arthit frowned.
"You said you had something to tell me" younger man shrugged like that would had explained everything.
"Yeah, about my internship!"
"Your internship? What about it?" Kong blinked.
"You know that dean wanted to see me this morning right?"

"Well it turned out that the company where I applied need intern sooner that it was scheduled."
"Okay. Why didn't you just say that?"
"Don't even try to put blame on me, brat! You are the one who started to assume that I was dying before I could say anything!" Senior claimed pointing at Kongpob.
"Well you were acting all weird! I got scared!" Younger man defended at himself crossing his arms and pouted.

"How the hell I was acting weird?! We are in romantic relationship, no? If you didn't like it you could had told me and I would had stopped!"
"That's why I didn't say anything! Because you would had stop!"
Arthit was speechless.
He closed his eyes and rubbed his face with his hands trying to calm his temper.
"Look, I don't know what the heck is going on in that thick head of yours but I don't have time or interest to argue with you over something stupid like this. I'm leaving tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?! What the hell P'? Isn't that little too soon?" Kongpob repeated in shock.
"Yeah, well I don't have too many options do I?" Arthit sighed.
This situation really sucked.
Big time.

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