"It's about to happen!"

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Therealagustd 🔥: Where the hell are you?


Istg if you don't tell me right now where you are you aren't getting a kiss!

FFS I am just gonna come and search for you!

✔️ 14:55


With a little annoyed sigh Yoongi walked away from the others. Only to be stopped by Namjoon, who looked at Yoongi with a concerned expression.

"I will go look for him, don't worry. It's better if I go really!" Namjoon only nodded, these two didn't need much words. Namjoon understood that Yoongi's bond with the youngest is different from what everyone else had with him.

Looking through the rooms and everything in the building Yoongi couldn't make out where the younger was. This was ridiculous, tomorrow is the debut day and- god damn why didn't Yoongi think about that earlier.

Jungkook's stage fright. With a slap to his forehead he walked to the recording studio. Walking in he saw the younger record the song he used to audition. So Yoongi leaned against the wall and waited for the younger to be finished.

When he heard the last notes he started to clap, Jungkook looked up wide eyed. He didn't expect for Yoongi to actually find him. But when he realized that everything was okay, he relaxed.

"Are you okay? I know this must be hard for you." Yoongi said walking over to the younger, but taller boy. Jungkook pulled Yoongi into a hug and nuzzled his face into the older's shoulder. 

"It's not so okay, but okay, I think." Jungkook said with a breathy laugh. Yoongi turned his head so he could kiss the side of Jungkook's head.

"Then let's not talk about the show tomorrow. Let's talk about something else then. How about sexuality?" Yoongi asked and the younger pulled away looking at the older with a raised eyebrow.

"I don't think that when your soulmate got chosen, that they care if you are straight or not. We all should be pansexual then." Jungkook said looking at Yoongi who smiled.

"You know, I am actually pansexual, does that explain why I had an ex-girlfriend?" Jungkook looked at Yoongi and was displeased to hear about the ex that nearly drove these two apart.

"I don't like your ex. She caused so many troubles, you even had to get a new phone number." Jungkook explained, to which Yoongi smiled lightly.

"You are right she caused us many troubles, one of them driving us apart, but then again she made us stronger don't you think?" Yoongi asked, which Jungkook only nodded to. The younger knew that Yoongi was right.

"Still, it's so hard to know that this shit happened to you, I wish we had met before her!" Jungkook mumbled and looked to the side. Yoongi took the boys face into his hands and smiled lightly at his boyfriend.

"But you are the person that cut away the net she spun in my head. You are the person that showed me what real love is. That real love isn't supposed to hurt you and make you feel less. You are the person I love the most!" Yoongi said smiling his gummy smile at the younger. He knew that there will be troubles ahead, but Yoongi knew he will face them together with the younger.

"Omnisexual!" Jungkook stated and Yoongi looked up so fast that his neck nearly snapped. He thought he just heard his boyfriend state his sexuality.

"What?" Yoongi asked again and Jungkook started to smile brightly with a chuckle.

"I am Omnisexuall. Which is that I don't really care if you are gender binary or non gender binary also referred to as genderqueer or transexual. It's not like being pansexual, where it's mostly based on what's on the inside and you don't care about gender. I thought you knew that!" Jungkook chuckled and leaned in to Yoongi.

"I- Ok that's great, I never thought of that." Yoongi honestly said, making Jungkook laugh again.

"What, why, you though I was gay?" Jungkook asked making Yoongi shake his head.

"No, I just thought you were pansexual. But it's nice knowing that." Yoongi smiled, leaning also into Jungkook, making their lips meet. The kiss didn't last long, but it left both of the boys breathless.

"I love you!" Jungkook mumbled his lips ghosting over Yoongi's.

"I love you too." Yoongi whispered back, taking Jungkook's hand and interwined them.

"We need to go back, I know you hate it, but we need to." Yoongi laughed when he heard Jungkook letting out a small childish whine. Nonetheless the younger followed.

"Yoongi-Hyung, it's about to happen, I am scared." Jungkook said his voice small, making his boyfriend stop dead in his track. He turned around to Jungkook, brushing the youngers hair from the forehead.

"It's okay to be scared okay? I told you before we are all there to protect you and if you are too scared just look at me ok? I know you can do it and will do your best. Also we are all on the stage, together as a team. Don't forget that ok?" Jungkook nodded, looking at Yoongi then.

"You know, even though I was scared of you in the beginning because I thought you were hard on the inside, I now realize you are a total softie!" Jungkook said, earning him a smack on the arm by Yoongi.

"I am only soft for you, you idiot!" Yoongi muttered, but Jungkook still catched it.

"Aw, Hyung you make me soft too!" Jungkook said making Yoongi chuckle and pull the younger into the practice room to the others, who all looked up.

"Jungkookie! Finally you are here!" Taehyung said pouncing on the younger and hugged him. Yoongi sighed knowing he can't stop Taehyung either way. Jimin patted Yoongi's shoulder in sympathy, but then walked over and joined the hug.

"Well, they have a friendship that we can't interfere with!" Hoseok said standing next to Yoongi and patted the shoulder of the older. Shrugging, he just waited for his boyfriend to be released.

"Oh by the way guys, I actually have a girlfriend and I want you to meet her tomorrow!" Hoseok announced making the youngest pull away from the hug their jaws hung open.

"You have?!" Jungkook asked pointing with his finger at Hoseok. Who only laughed and nodded.

"Her name's Monika. She is the most prettiest one and actually my soulmate. Her long brown hair and the small dimple on her cheek." One of the youngest made a whip sound and the others just chuckled.

"Shut up ya'll as whipped as I am!" Hoseok stated and pointed at all the others, making them chuckle and shrug.

"That was an open fact, but we didn't knew you were so Whipped!" Taehyung stated with a shrug.

1 more + Epilogue

Also Monika is one of my friends and she is a hobi stan!

And, I like these last two chapters, but I don't like the epilogue, lol anyways second to last chapter is here before the Epilogue aye

Anyways until tomorrow everything is pre-written so the next two days this will be updated and ended.

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