Chapter 11

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Falling through the large window and into his room, Chat Noir swiftly falls to the floor and detransforms. There Adrien stands in his place, with a sad expression on his face. He is immediately accompanied by a greedy Plagg.

"So where's the camembert?" he asks.

"Your stinky cheese is over there, Plagg." Adrien grumbles, pointing towards the desk.

 Plagg shoots across the room to gobble up his precious cheese. Reaching the desk and landing with a thunk. Adrien watches this and sighs, walking over to his sofa and sitting down, dramatically draping his arms across it.

 Once finished his cheese, Plagg notices Adrien's mood. Curious as to what was wrong with him, he flies over to Adrien.

  "What's up, kid? Shouldn't you be happy that you made up with Ladybug?" Plagg asks.

"It's not that, Plagg." Adrien sighs,"She still doesn't believe me about Spider-Man. She wants me to give him a second chance."

"She's just trying to be nice. Trust me, kid. You have a tendency to get jealous. Just let this play out." Plagg says.

"You think I'm just being jealous?" Adrien exclaims.

"I think that if you insult him at every chance you get then that's all Ladybug will think." They both pause before Plagg continues, "Give him this chance, like Ladybug wants. If you change your opinion on him then that's great. If you find something solid that may prove your thoughts to be correct, then you can do what you want."

  Adrien has been listening to Plagg with great interest. He was right. If Chat Noir was to continue being hostile towards Spider-Man then Ladybug would never believe him - even if he did get actual proof - and just think that he's jealous. He really does only have one choice: give Spider-Man a second chance.

  "You know what, Plagg?" Adrien smiles,"I think you're right."

-At The SHIELD Helicarrier

Peter Parker had just woken up and is now getting ready for school. He is thinking over the events of last night.

 Once he had returned to the SHIELD helicarrier he was rushed into another meeting. His mission last night was to meet Ladybug. He was then to accept the second chance and act hurt by Chat Noir's opinion of him in order to win her sympathy. His mission was a success! But there was one thing that none of them had counted on; Ladybug hugged Spider-Man.

 This had brought warmth to his heart . He had never thought that Ladybug would hug him, and it moved him that she cared enough to do more than just talk to cheer him up. He wanted to thank her for caring and to hug her again because he had liked it - but that may seem really weird - so he would just have to wait.

 Actually, in their meeting last night they had discussed their hug. It had definitely interested them.

  "Congratulations, Spider-Man!" Tony had cheered, "She hugged you. Well done with the sympathy vote."

"This is good. She is definitely on your side." Steve clarified.

"And let's keep it that way. It is crucial that you maintain her trust. We can hope that Chat Noir will be on your side soon." said Nick.

"Your chance comes tonight, Spider-Man." said Steve, "Now let's figure out what you're going to do..."

-At College Francois Dupont

Marinette has come late to class. Again. Barrelling in and running to her seat - all the while mumbling apologies and excuses - while her classmates sniggered and her teacher glared. And Alya is sick again, so Peter is sitting beside her.

 As Miss Bustier drones on, Marinette begins to drift off into a daydream. Another fantasy of her and Adrien. Her perfect, smart, golden haired, kind model.

 She has gotten to the part where they kissed in the rain when a slip of paper enters her sight. Looking at her desk, she opens up the sheet of paper. It's  a note from Peter.

'Hi.' it reads, 'why were you late?'

 Turning to the blank side of the note, she discretely writes her reply.

'I'm always late; I'm rarely on time. I slept in.'

 Passing it to him, she waits a minute for his reply before he passes the note back to her.

 'Why did you sleep in? Is everything okay? Was it because of the fight with your friend?'  

 Touched by his concern, she writes her reply.

 'My friend and I made up. I was just up late thinking.'

  As soon as she has passed the note to Peter, Miss Bustier turns around and looks at them.

 "Marinette! Peter!" she exclaims, "If I see you two passing notes to each other one more time then you will both be in detention. Do you understand?" 

 "Yes, Miss Bustier." they say in unison.

  She turns back again and Marinette resumes her thinking from last night.

 She had followed Peter's advice and made up with Chat Noir. She's glad of that as she couldn't stay mad at him forever. She had managed to persuade him to give Spider-Man one more chance - which she is happy about - but he still thinks badly of their acquaintance. He still sticks by his words and actions. She just hopes that he changes his mind.

 She hadn't liked to see Spider-Man so disappointed and upset yesterday, after she had told him that Chat Noir still held the same opinion of him. The first thing that she thought of to cheer him up was to hug him. She hadn't even realised that she had hugged him until her arms were around him. She knew that she had surprised him because he froze slightly, but then he hugged her back. She liked hugging him, but pulled away quickly as to not make him feel weird about a 'stranger' hugging him.

 She wonders if he'll show up at the end of her and Chat Noir's patrol. She hopes that he will and that Chat Noir will behave. 

'That silly kitty is not just jealous, is he?' she thinks.

  And with that the bell rings. Knocking her out of her thoughts and forcing her to pack her bag and move to the next class.


1029 words

Merry Christmas, everyone! I hope that you have all celebrated greatly and have gotten all the presents that you wanted. And get well soon to everyone like me and my family and friends who have had the misfortune to get sick during the holidays. Chapter 12 will hopefully come out before New Year, but there's no promises. Bye! :) :) :) :)

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