Hehe... funny story...

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Christmas Day around 12:00 am. It was my first gift. A small rectangular looking object was handed to me. I didn't expect it to be heavy And it was. I weighed it out "dang this is heavy what is this?" The label read ' to: me from: mommy and daddy" so I began to unwrap and I broke through the second layer of wrapping I saw "J.K. R......" in gold writing on a blue background. This was a book. I gasped and unwrapped more. And saw a cover I always stared at at every store that sells books. It was the original screenplay of "Fantastic Beasts and where to find them".

I couldn't breathe. Literally I fell over and every thing went back. I heard my sister "BREATHE! BREATHE!" then I felt light-headed.... eventually I caught my breath and came back to life... I was able to see.. but I was supper dizzy.. yeah.

THAT WAS MY CHRISTMAS! OH! And I got a niffler plush and a FANTASTIC blanket.. hehe... yep...

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